Nina & Kira

I’ve just removed all my comments,I won’t bother I future

A recycled pair: Sorry but No longer the exciting couple they used to be.

another slideshow, on one of Nina’s sweetest songs. Like that no link to the group. There is just to appreciate the beautiful voice of Nina. (I specify that we have the right not to like). I’m preparing the Freddie Mercury tribute for you and then I’ll calm down on Nina, I promise.


Thanks for sharing and thanks for respecting privacy :+1: :heart_eyes:

I don’t find anything interesting in this apartment

then you can go see the other 45

What he said.

Sooner or later it will all end in tears, if Nina finds any kind of fame as someone wil recognise her and boom.

Elles assument parfaitement ce qu’elles font ,d’ailleurs leur famille est au courant .C’est juste pour éviter d’être harceler sur les réseaux sociaux. Elle a déja une petite renommée en Russie .Vivre son amour de lesbiennes dans leur pays est surement plus difficile que d’avouer qu’on a vécu devant des caméras si on devient une star. Boum boum badaboum.

Je rajoute que ce sont les règles Vh qui les empêche d’en dire plus. Un exemple hier un forumeur a demandé à jouer aux échec contre Kira. Je lui ai demandé , elle m’a donné ces codes dur C’est moi qui lui est conseillé de faire attention,

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Up to them entirely, you can’t say they haven’t been warned but obviously you know best so best of luck.

si ça se fini par des larmes on ira tous les deux les consoler. :rofl:

And they don’t find anything interesting about you, either. So please go away.




Very well done, her voice is fantastic!

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As I told you, here is a new slideshow devoted to the interpretation of The show must go on (Queen) by Nina in tribute to her idol. You will once again be able to appreciate his magnificent voice. I will now stop posting songs, I do not intend to reveal all of Kira’s darling repertoire. :headphones:


Like the water quality is great in say, Detroit?

If you knew what was in most metropolitan water you would be _____ing bottled as well. I don’t even _____ spring water, if it’s not purified, i don’t _____ it

et tu Brute.

Well our water supply in the UK has never done me, or millions of others, over here no harm guess we must be exceptional :rofl:

Just listen to Freddie Mercury and Queen, I think Ninas version is just as good if not better👍