Nina & Kira

This place is a combination of grass growing and paint drying.

Past the sale by date you might get food poisoning :nauseated_face:

never had yet

je vais m’occuper de ton cas

:heart_eyes: Beauty!


Bandit and the Bathtub Adventure (including rescue by Kira) :cat2::joy::rofl:


Who is Bandit?

Bandit is the nickname of the gray (grey) cat. He was nicknamed a long time ago on the other forum. Since the large floofballs were already named Butch and Sundance, the name Bandit just seemed to fit in with the theme, and it stuck. BTW, the birds are nicknamed Breakfast and Lunch :smile:

The pets have real names as you can see in the Participants WikI here.

Ich finde, Pryanik hat aber ein bißchen ein Bandit Charakter. :innocent:

1 Like

Yeah but I think the nicknames are much cooler. And easier to pronounce. :wink:

Indeed, he is always stealing food!


And still it baffles me. Why you feel compelled to take time out of your life to comment on a thread you claim to have no interest in. Yet here you are. You could just leave and save yourself the trouble. Unless trolling is your intent, which in and of itself is obvious and pathetic and weak. Please go troll another apartment that you don’t subscribe to, and leave this realm alone. We don’t need your negativity in a positive realm.

Even when you do not like it as long as he does not insult somebody he is free to comment here. However why he does it and what sense it makes I do not know. I agree with you that this makes not much sense at all. :wink: :+1:

But it makes no sense to me. Degrade and troll a place that one has no interest in? Why waste the time and energy. Unless they are a loser and have nothing better to do with their life except be here and troll. Much like a couple dozen Amy3’s.

As I said I have no idea why he is doing it. But it is free speech here. I did not see any insults from him so he is allowed to comment here too. Again the sense of it is a different thing :rofl:

Understood, but it still baffles me. Why those who have no interest or hate against a realm take time to comment on them. Have they nothing else better to do with their lives?

The best thing to do is to not bother responding to him. His sole purpose is to provoke others into reacting, it’s what keeps him going. It’s like feeding a tumour, it just keeps growing and growing.

pour moi traiter de merde quelqu’un est une insulte.