Nina & Kira

je ne sais pas à quoi cela correspond, je ne joue pas aux échecs. Si tu peux expliquer ce classement.

It is complicated but the simple explanation is:

When you start you are at 1000. If you play some person with higher level and win, you get more points. if you lose, you lose points but not so much. If you play against a person with lower level, you cannot win many points but you can lose a lot. People that do know the rules but cannot play wel have about 700-800 ELO. The worldchampions have I think about 2700.

Merci à toi.

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De rien. :slight_smile:

I’ve been watching the girls for 4 years it has been and always will be NINA & KIRA I wouldn’t be the same if we knew their real names :heart_eyes_cat:

In fact, as an active player, she had a rating of 2089

Might be Doris and Elsie :rofl:

You have a link?

I don’t understand. What you mean?

Cannot copy paste from smart tv to phone.

what is the title of the video?

Hmmm…no good. Looks like half the planet sang that song.

Impossible to find…

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Denne tekst vil blive skjult

[The show must go on

Doesn’t look like Nina at all?

Better delete that again as I see the whole channel contains a lot of private info

I deactivated the link

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The channel where it is posted contains a lot of private information…

Nice catch. I think we should just be content with the non-exposing snippets refazer provides us. :shushing_face:

I think I can spell it out for noobs (and I’m pretty sure it goes for ALL realms), posting images or vids of outside activity is fine, as long as it doesn’t reveal their location or true names (interwebs or concrete). @refazer knows how to walk the fine line, but the rest of ya, don’t do it. Everyone was getting a little too close to True Lies here, and I’m glad for the intervention. :sunglasses:

Well, it does get a tad complicated if you’re trying to be a rock star AND be unrecognized on a nudie site at the same time.