Nina & Kira

What’s going on half a pharmacy

Thankfully we don’t know where they live. Junkies would raid the place…

en deux ans Kira a été hospitalisée deux fois.La première fois pour une opération qui lui a laissée des séquelles longtemps sur le ventre.

Looks like she’s taking inventory, maybe checking expiration dates. As Refazer said, ,she has been in hospital twice in the past few years, once for surgery. There have also been several other illnesses between the them. One thing I have noticed is that the medics there seem to be fairly generous sending home “supplies”. Or maybe they just prefer to stock up when they have the chance.

because she tried kira once dick

she needs to try it, she’s neglecting it all day

Leave Kira alone ,she’s more than happy as she is,with Nina😻

so tell me then what she leaves alone all day

Kira works from home,Nina is appearing in musical show for few more weeks Then hopefully it’s back to normal

I’ll give you their phone number in case she needs marriage counseling.

Would she have an account at I’d love to see if I can beat her.

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Thanks refazer for stepping in

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je lui ai demandé

Great, thanks. Tell her I have an online ELO of 1950. That will scare her. :wink:

elle m’a répondue .Elle a un compte mais son login n’est pas anonyme et elle a peur de la diffusion de son vrai nom.

OK I can understand that. No problem. I still love her :heart:

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sa réponse sur ELO… “Ok c’est pas mal”

:slight_smile: :+1: Haha!

elle est classée 2050

Ai ai ai. Good thing we are not going to play then :slight_smile: