Nina & Kira

I like Linkin Park too :+1: :wink:

I seem to remember that Nina played guitar

I’ve seen Nina play guitar and piano, better on piano. But who knows, they could both be proficient in all realms. I’d like to a saxophone worked into their repertoire, a girl playing saxophone is sexy, IMO


That, sir, was FABULOUS!!! You should do that more often. Thank you.


The girls should start singing Relight my fire by take that I think the fire simmed abit in the last big house It’s not been good at the moment Nina in this show and Kira all alone in the house Another song could help Things can only get better by D .Ream

Nina has a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Arts and Musical Variety

What about Kira ?

Both very clever women👨‍🎓

Isn’t Kira aiso a master at chess♟

Oui. Elle donne des cours d’échec.

De retour.

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I think it’s time to leave the girls sexual activities alone, they are only human If it happens on camera,it’s a bonus :couplekiss_woman_woman: :snowflake:

Nina vient d’annoncer : “tous ceux qui n’achèterons pas un billet pour ma comédie musicale seront punis” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She should have said “anyone who buy a ticket will be punished” :sunglasses:

What musical?

le retour du canard de Nina


Funny photo :joy: