Nina & Kira

Un petit diaporama. Je ne sais pas si ça va fonctionner. La chanson est de Nina.


That is great music. She ever sings in English too?

très rarement, simplement pour le plaisir elle chante du Freddy Mercury.

Cool. I like that music. Thanks for sharing the video. :+1:

That is an incredibly polished sound. They must have an awesome recording studio! That was catchy, please post more if you wish. (and the montage was cute too) :sunglasses:

It sounds like a professional recording to me

Definitely. So maybe more advanced than we thought. Maybe she is on Russian radio and we don’t know it, cuz it would blow their “cover” lol. But that is definitely Nina’s voice, from what I’ve heard of her practicing in their various houses.

The thing is it sound like a girl with “more volume” singing it. She really has a good voice.

les enregistrements se font dans des studios professionnel. Ses musiciens sont des musiciens pro.

Well done, thank you for sharing!

Well, AFAIK, that’s what they do in recording studios lol. I saw Van Halen in live concerts a few times, and they sounded nothing like their albums. (yea I said ‘albums’ dating myself)


This gives you goosebumps. And I mean in a positive way. Thanks :+1:

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Did you hear Rana from Elons place sing? She has an absolutely clear and beautiful voice too. The two should make a project together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Serious goosebumps. What amazing range and powerful voice! I’d love to hear more! :open_mouth:


Do you remember Krista signing Scorpions songs

Of course. Krista has an amazing voice. VHTV should make a band. Nina, Rana and Krista

Of course, with Kira on drums

These vids certainly give a different perspective to everyone’s opinion of a “lazy” Nina. I’d say she’s working hard, on the outside.


Kira loves to play Linkin Park on the drums, piano, and her Ibanez. From what I learned in the archives, she was a giant fan of Chester Bennington, who sadly died in 2017. But drums are obviously her forte. So yeah, Kira on drums