Nina & Kira

What happened to frog 1-13?! :laughing:

Maybe they could kiss the frog and it become a prince(ss) on a white horse

Sorry, but I am already one ( a little bit green color, but is s oK) :laughing:!

Kira caught me watching again :eyes: :smiley:


leçon de cuisine


no but the big head! :laughing: :+1:

Kira est allĂ©e aujourd’hui voir une exposition sur Dali au musĂ©e FabergĂ© de St P. (qu’elle adore, voir son tatouage sur le bras) ice_screenshot_20220116-230639

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Pour ceux que ça intéresse la comédie musicale de Nina est pour le 6 février

And how can you see that

message privé Instagram Kira , Instagram Nina

okay but only you know the Instagram account so you can’t see it otherwise or

on est quelques uns Ă  communiquer avec elles depuis longtemps .Elles nous envoient des messages, des photos.

I guess as compensation for running the fan club in forums? :rofl:

I guess that makes you our
 High Priest

erano meglio quando stavano su reallifecam almeno una volta alla settimana facevano l’amore

I don’t watch that place but ususally they have sex once a month

qua su vhtv e vero ma su reallifecam invece lo facevano piĂč spesso e c’ù anche stato un threesome

c’ù lo registrato su mega

Lately it’s more like once every three months, but it doesn’t matter, they are still fascinating to voyeur, especially Kira. For action, I’ll swing over to Kristy & Tim’s pad :wink: That girl is a nympho and a half.

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Wow. I guess must be quite the desert down there by now :joy: :joy:

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