Nina & Kira

suddenly curious but with French is it normal to use male or female gendered words for both the women in a lesbian pair or just one or?

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I find these two extremely boring. Mind they are ex RLC :s___ping:

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sa et son sont des adjectifs possessifs Sa va avec un nom fĂ©minin (Nina).La seule exception est si le nom suivant commence par une voyelle. Pour les deux filles j’emploie sa.

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C’est ton avis. Tu n’es pas obligĂ© de les regarder.

Why is this realm offline???

Repetitive and Boring Russian dikes

Nous avons eu beaucoup de discussion sur N/K sur les diffĂ©rents forums. Tout le monde ne vient pas chercher la mĂȘme chose sur VHTV. Nous les fans avons aussi la chance de pouvoir apprĂ©cier ce qu’elles font Ă  l’extĂ©rieur de leur domicile(concert, chansons, comĂ©die musicale , littĂ©rature, thĂ©Ăątre
). Comme tous fans nous ne sommes pas toujours objectif mais nous sommes suffisamment nombreux pour qu’elles puissent “arrondir leurs fins de mois” avec VH


Is his and her the same in french?

No, French even has grammatical genders, something English don’t have, but google translate seem to have some serious trouble with it. It turns everything into masculinum by default.

VHTV. Nous les fans avons aussi la chance de pouvoir apprĂ©cier ce qu’elles font Ă  l’extĂ©rieur de leur domicile(concert, chansons, comĂ©die musicale , littĂ©rature, thĂ©Ăątre

You are in the wrong site. :laughing: :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:

You don’t have to watch them if you don’t want to, but insulting them is really unnecessary

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Kira doesn’t look happy in the picture. Another night without Nina

whaou, what a drama !

Is this the latest pet at Nina and Kira’s?

No it’s our friend Frog14, who went back to his jar

yes but I watch you outside swoon with love. It’s so cute :grin:

I hope not, I will be eaten by the cat or the birds! :woozy_face:

With all this separation between the girls, I hope it’s not putting too much pressure on their marriage .I hope this show Nina is in must be coming to the end of its run by nowđŸ˜Ÿ