Nina & Kira

You say beetle, I’m sticking with spider. It could be the same one Nina spotted in Hall 1 in the wee hours of the (unmentionable location) morning. :wink:

A bath before s___ping…


stunning tits and pussy… one of the hottest

The last one,because she is so beautiful :heart_eyes:


That’s a nice Kiera between those legs :wink:

Kiera voor pleziera :rofl:

a subject on which we must all agree: the beauty of Kira


Now maybe some will begin to understand the love and fascination and dedication to this amazing goddess. I sure do. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am trying hard to find an argument against this comment but I can’t. :upside_down_face:

iam just hard lol

At least she chose a sturdier stool this time as opposed to a wobbly three-legged desk chair on wheels! Maybe she read my post LOL

Game Show Love GIF by ABC Network

A somewhat intense sounding speaker phone conversation around 5 in the morning, no clue what’s going on. Can someone of the russian tongue enlighten me, are they having a fight or is Nina in some kind of trouble? Used to worry about Nina’s inactivity, now I worry about her working hours and Kira being alone all day.

Oh worrysome VHTV. Then there’s the debate going on about a wave of domestic violence in other apartments. I noticed no such thing. Maybe it’s because I gravitate towards a handful of favorites whom I perceive as genuine loving couples more than towards clusterfuck orgies or leg spreading cammers. Or I’m just living under a rock.

I’m always late to the party, here, because I get on after almost everyone across the pond is in bed, but if you had said you didn’t like her, there wouldn’t have been a problem. The issue was, you called her a bitch, which is an extremely derogatory insult. Just because you have a thought or an opinion, doesn’t mean it’s right to say it.

I hate when I get into that long stretch of hours when I have nothing to watch because most of them are in bed

They are now having the same problem with camera 1 (kitchen) as the one in the living room in Tessa s apartment it’s hard to hear anything. There is hardly any sound. Early either Nina or Kira was on the toilet the bathroom door was open I still really couldn’t hear anything

Well, what can I say. In your opinion you are right!
But you have to realise that around the world a word can have more meanings.

Lets see what are the definitions of ‘bitch’ in two different parts of Europe by example:

In the region of western Europe the word “bitch” means a person, usually female, with an somewhat egoistic and verry bossy behavoure to other people. They are almost impossible to reach in a more intimate conversational form and against that person you wil always have to fight woth words for your opinion.
It is most certainly not meant as an extremely derogatory insult.

In the eastern part of europe the word “bitch” is no mather which way, an extremely derogatory insult. Its at the highest level of all kinds of insults and should only be used to people who are definitely enemies or who are greatly scorned.

In other countries al around the world it is even used as a nice meant nickname in verry intimate conversations, and have no bad meanings at all.

So, again, you are right, it can be an extremely insult of a person depening of the region at the world you are. And just because of that is should be better not used at all!.

I traveled around the entire world for business last 10 years until Covid shows up, and learned a lot of different cultures. Been in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Kenia, China, Singapore, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, many Europe countries, Russia, Oekraine, Senegal, Mexico, Venzuela, USA, Canada, Cuba and more. And saw lot of miscomunication just beacuase of the cultrue in which one word can have a totally different meaning than in other countries.

Goesoes already explained he used it to mark some bossy and arrogating behavoure to enother person, but never to insult! I agree he better had choosen another wordt to discribe it, but hey, its not about what he said in words, its about what he meant to say and his meaning was not that bad.

Sorry I broke in in your conversation in this, but I see whats the point due to my world experience with cultures, and I know the meaning was not to insult, and I also know it was for you extremely insulting.

Please try to understand each other, and dont’fight for something that is not even there, there was no meaning to insult from the Goesoes perspective, and it was an insult in your perspective.

I always avoid those conflicting words, maybe thats the best.
If you ask me? both girls are very well adorable but its true that one of them is more bossy then the other. Well, isn’t that exactly why the world is not boring? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

'Make peace, not war"

I have already explained that in the Netherlands we call a bossy woman (read dominant) a bitch, in the English-speaking countries the meaning is known to you, hence the fuss, scroll up and see my explanation again.

In the UK a bitch is a female dog ,:joy:

Yea right never used in any other form :rofl: