Nina & Kira

M____r Noel has passed by

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goodbye santa claus and m____r christmas


New cat alert!

Nina’s m____r’s cat, he already knows the others

the room keeper. Mom’s cat is not allowed into the girls’ room

discreet approach

You even know their pussys… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think I’m going to do a thesis on the social life of cats … and pussys

mom’s cat figured out he had to go to the guest room

Hi I’ve recently joined here. I remember watching Nina and Kira on RLC a few years back. at that time they used have a friend over for weekends ( I think her name was De (Dee) a cute blonde girl who slept on the couch. I’m curious to know if the girls still have guests over and in particular does Dee still visit? This is of course if they are even still in a similar location to the RLC apt. Thanks in advance

They have had friends around in the last place so I would think they will still get people around every now and again.

Ok thx for the reply, I’ll monitor them. So many apt’s here I’m spoilt for choice lol

I recommend this one, there is not a lot of sex but a lot of love :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lol ok…it’s the thought that counts with them hey lol

lots of love


Goesoes, that’s exactly what it means in English, and it’s a derogatory, offensive slur. In the US, if you call a woman a bitch, you might just get your head handed to you by her or her significant other or both.

Can we be done with the “bitch” nomenclature already? While I don’t always agree with Goes, I did agree with his Nina assessment (, and nobody is giving me s__t about it, so, like, let it go. A bitch can be a female dog or a bossy woman or an ex-wife. And based on what I’ve learned reading the archives, I think Nina would also agree that she herself is a bitch, and is proud of it LOL. So please, let’s let it go already.

I might have to disagree a little bit with you guys on that. Below is a dictionary definition and a video by a guy in England. While they both say that the word bitch is used in the UK to describe a woman, the dictionary definition says it’s not rude, while the guy who lives in Cambridge and teaches British English on YouTube, says it is. I think I have to go with the guy in Cambridge and teaches British English.

British Bitch

A term used for usually younger women of the UK and their attitude that consist of somehow being very cordial, highly sarcastic at everything, usually detached of emotional feelings towards men, and generally witty & snappy all at the same time.

Note: Not an seen as an insult. Also do not be confused, they are not rude like their French counterparts.

Greg: “How can you have such a great smile and delightful eyes, yet be so mean!”
Kate: laughs “Just guess I’m a British Bitch, mate.”
Greg: “I thought French girls were the bitches…?”
Kate: “They are, but you see, they are just rude. They aren’t British Bitches.”

Skip ahead to 2:15 to get to the part we’re reffering to.

Not my vision of what a cat lady looks like