Nina & Kira

It’s been a long time on the forums that I do not always agree with Jabbath (… and Robwin). But that’s life. :joy: As a

gift, proof for the septic tank of the privileged relationship with the girls (photo before work)

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that he calls her a bitch means differently than you understand it bitch has a double meaning here its a dutch thing whe have a lot of those words with a double meaning

It is true that the translations are sometimes misleading and that the words have different meanings depending on the language.

The house looked really new?

you understand why they took a little while to come back.

Talk about dangerous. Propane in the kitchen?


it’s butane, made to be used indoors.


a lot of house over the world use them here in the netherlands some ppl use them for the heating ore cooking the bottles are grey here

all over the world these are in use

If you want to see something funny (to me anyway), check out cams 14 & 15 around the 1750 mark. There is a giant spider in the hall and then the work room. The gray cat spots it first and begins playing with it, then the other cats join in. The gray cat finally eats the spider before his mommy returns to the room. Little does Kira know he saved her life! Considering how far the cams are from the action, yet you can still see the creature means that was one big ass spider! No wonder they were scared s__tless earlier!


The letters spell “propan”.

a beetle no spider, a spider moves faster :slightly_smiling_face:

Technical propane-butane (SPBT) - liquefied gas for filling 27 liter cylinders. Пропан-бутан технический (СПБТ) – сжиженный газ для заправки баллонов 27 литров.

But she doesn’t deserve such crass a___e from someone who dosn’t even know her.

It’s used here in Poland as well when there are no gas pipes installed in blocks.

If you see a girl with a nice ass, You say: she has a nice ass, if I see a girl acting in a way I don’t like, I say: I don’t like her, what’s the problem???

ice_screenshot_20211229-210156 Nina is a bad girl, she deserves her spanking

Maybe your respectful thinking process.

Don’t worry, it’s not good for your heart…