Nina & Kira

madonna mia la coppia più noiosa di voyeur-house-tv…

i have followed these two for many years started about a year before they got married. as i said for many years my thoughts were Kira deserves better that what she has with Nina. After you said they both seem to be fine with it as is you are right i was wrong to say what i did If Kira is fine with it then that is all that matters, not what i or anyone else thinks. They are real and i love them. Kira is so lovely absolutely perfect in every way.


Like a ballet dancer :heart_eyes:


Please look up the definition of the word “voyeur” - I am educated in linguistics so I do know what “voyeur” or “voyeurism” means by formal definition. Voyeurs are so because they enjoy watching others in “sexual situations.” So yes, this is a voyeur site, and most of the other houses have no problem in fulfilling the definition of the word. Perhaps English is not your fist language but it is mine.

Voyeur is not an English word, it’s French! The word is a noun, voyeur, formed out of a verb, voir, which just means ‘to see’.

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The criteria are those defined by VHTV and N / K respond perfectly to these, especially since they attract a lot of view and have a lot of subscribed fans

See Kira open her packages See Kira at work Tell me what am I? if I’m not a voyeur.


You paid attention in school, but what do you actually want to make clear, a voyeur looks at people who may or may not perform sexual acts, they don’t necessarily have to be naked.


Fine, but I am making a statement and someone else challenged a definition which I have corrected. Please follow the original statements.

Precisely and so these two are having very little sex and are rarely naked, although that would help. Plenty of other people have voiced the same thoughts, and plenty of viewers say the same about other participants on the site. I don´t know why this has you all upset. If you love Nina and Kira then please enjoy them. I do not know why someone saying that he/she finds them boring gets anyone offended. We are allowed to voice our opinions. (And please be sure to look up the correct definition–Oxfor or Cambridge or Merriam Webster. You have simply made up your own definition which has no linguistic truth at all).

I’ll be the last to say they’re boring, I like to follow them, especially Kira

I am French and I do not refer to English dictionaries. In addition, the language is a living thing that evolves, I think that certain definitions should take into account new technologies. Concerning N / K I understand that we can find it boring, I’ve been watching them for years and I love it

definition given by the French dictionary Larousse

voyeur, voyeuse


(de voir)

Personne qui aime à observer les autres, sans participer, qui aime à photographier, à filmer. (Person who likes to observe others, without participating, who likes to photograph, to film.)

What does it mean to voyeur someone?

Full Definition of voyeur

1a : someone who obtains sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts broadly : someone who habitually seeks sexual stimulation by visual means. b : a person who commits the crime of voyeurism.

As none of the tenants are unsuspecting, can we really call it voyeurism?

Good for you, if you find them exciting wonderful. I find them boring and the purpose of a Forum is for people to be able to express their thoughts and I thank you for expressing yours.

There are many many many definitions of the word. But if you look to my original post I only said that “they don´t do anything.” I never ever mentioned the word “sex” or eroticism in my original post which has for some reason got so much activity here. So sad that people have to attack someone expressing their opinion instead of talking about the participants. Rather than worry about definitions, please tell us things about these participants that you like–wouldnt´t that be a much better discussion.

I have no problem with these two, I watch them now and again as I think they are both beautiful ladies. A bit boring maybe but I am not f___ed to watch yet I do at times.

marcie59: there are many many many definitions of the word, so look them up in the Oxford and the Cambridge Dictionary: “the practice of obtaining sexual gratification by looking at sexual object or acts, especially secretitely.” However, if you went back to my original post, I simply said that these two do not do anything. I never ever referred to sex or eroticism. Other people have also expressed this fact. I am simply expressing my opinion. It would be much more interesting if you expressed what you like about them!

I like to watch a real lesbian couple live in a country where it is very frowned upon. I find Kira breathtakingly beautiful. In addition I have the chance to follow them in their outdoor activities ( concerts, theater singing, musical comedy, writing (Kira wrote a wonderful book on the old games of her country). As Jabbath says I am a fan and being a fan is not always rational.

Acknowledging the latter shows that you are also a conscientious and intelligent fan. :+1: