Nina & Kira

The two were also at CB and MFC how was their name dord

good work


You left out a word. “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

OK what about this; o Simon relieve the foot y’all. :nerd_face: :crazy_face:

Maybe in the states, anyway that’s two words not one, The & love :rofl:

Everybody’s a smartass. :rofl:

Actually i’m even smarter as it’s three really… The love of :rofl:

Ok, you can have the last word. :rofl:

ass approved


I curse you @Sanford104013 :rofl:

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I am going to make some of you guys really jealous here.

I’m relatively new here. This is my third week? I lost all track of time and meaning of life. These two girls (women) are completely new to me. I don’t know anything about them. I tend to start most of my sentences with I.

Their house is different from all other apartments here on VHTV. It is new, it is huge, it is theirs. It is not something temporarily. It is not like a photo from the IKEA brochure. They actualy live here!

When they returned to VHTV I saw lots of enthousiastic reactions from the oldtimers here. I wondered why this was? At the moment I am still not 100% sure.

And this is where you get jealous. This is all brand new to me. I have this treasure to open, this adventure to start, a new gift to be unwrapped. I will find out who they are, their history and their future, They seem to be so much more than the people that come and go here on VHTV.

In the mean time I hope realms like Yan and Flora, Gaia and Grayson, Ken and Barbie, Bella and Amelie will take care of your daily needs. And hey I am no better than you lot. It is just that after this short time here, I think I can spot the difference between fake and real. And I prefer real.

These two, Nina and Kira, seem to be real people. I might be wrong. I will have to find out.

Let love rule.

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I find them boring actually. But each to their own

Watching people fucking for an hour is also boring ,like you say everyone has their preference!

Hello welcome, to communicate with them, I can tell you that they are a real couple. They have been together for a very long time, they work, they have an important artistic life. As in all couples there are sometimes conflicts but it always ends in Now for those who are only looking for sex it is better to go and see other apartments.

When they first got married they couldn’t get enough sex Like all couples after a while it’s only high days and holdays

The sad fate of all monogamous couples :rofl:

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marriage in january 2015, soon 7 years (wool wedding)

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Wow! Good for them lasing this long. But why are they on this site if they don´t do anything?

'They don´t do anything? ’ - They don’t have to do anything - this is a voyeur site, not a porn site. If you want constant porn, try Pornhub.

Dear Slada. You are, of course, absolutely right. You can find this screaming for sex and especially for penetration in all comments. Tragic. For these people sex simply means penetration. They have not come any further in their sexual development. Look how sick in the comments to the apartment of Amelie and Lucas is complained because Lucas does not have sex with Tanya, the guest girl. Bad. Ridiculous.

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