Nina & Kira

She got no option re the tidying up :joy:

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just think how good she would do if she was naked

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so we should see nina and kira together in the apartment during the day but not at night when little sam is in the house right?

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this is what is planned

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I think I read no more Kira on CB is that right

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Kira still plans to go to CB from time to time

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Looks like Kira & Sam have arrived in the house,as they are offline now👎we might as well get used to it unfortunately

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Am surprised they are allowed to stay on VH to be honest.


Aren’t they VH.managers

What’s that got to do with the price of bread? Always thought VH rules rule :wink:

Sorry Rob I cant answer that about rules I don’t know what is what

Simple really, kids not allowed on VH.Just saying that was all.

Nothing to do with us really, it’s between them and VH ,they must have some sort of agreement

Do you see any kid there? That is why the cams are off, the kid is in the house.

they will never be online with their son so no problem. Agreement with Vh. If they get fewer views that’s their problem. They attract a slightly different audience that’s good for Vh. The day they stop Vh I no longer subscribe and I’m not the only one. This is an explanation

Vh is a company with owners who do business :moneybag:. They make the agreements they want to make with the participants. They apply the rules that they themselves establish. They just have to respect the law otherwise they would be banned and condemned (no minors on the air for example). If N/k cost them money they would no longer have any reason to accept them in their business but that should not be the case. I don’t think the Vh leaders are philanthropists (unless they too are part of the N/K fan club :rofl:)