Nina & Kira

Welcome home Nina and Kira. It’s good to have both of you at the “big house” I. have no issue with them being on while Sam is there. I am sure they are going to follow the rules as they should. If Sam is not on camera, they are well within not only the guideline of VHTV but also many countries. I really doubt they would risk it. Glad to have both of them back and look forward to seeing as much of them as they can. Shout outs to us in English are alway a bonus.


Just to keep Algeciras up to date the last time the girls had any love making on camera was 6th September 2021 ,so dont except any time soon,I suggest you go down to the beach and build sand castles😎

Castillo, tour Eiffel, estatua de la libertad y Paza Alta de Algeciras
Veo quu poco sexo habrá. Hay que animarlas
VAMOD CHICAS lamerse una a otra

I know the girls have got their own lives to lead,but they’ve been offline now for nearly 5 days ,Maybe Sam is still not well ,it would be nice if the girls could let us know what’s going on,:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Maybe it’s time they retired from this circus and concentrated on living in the real world and got on with their lives now they have family responsibilities.

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Info de Kira

I will definitely be on vh on Monday evening. In general, now my son is adapting in kindergarten. Every day we increase the time spent in the garden by 30 minutes. I think that in about 2 weeks he will be walking for several hours a day, which means I will be able to be online every day on vhtv.


Thank you Kira for the information :+1:

De sexo ha comentado algo?




assembly problem?


there’s nothing to be done kira is the best as always compared to nina who when we see her in the house stays lying on couch with cell phone all the time… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

problems are there to be solved :hammer_and_wrench: :electric_plug: :+1:


stop always criticizing Nina, know that she works a lot outside and that hurts Kira.


I’ve been following them since they were on rlc and I can tell you that nina was always the one in the house not moving a finger…

That should tell you something about their relationship and preferences! :rofl:

I understand it well kira and the one who wears the pants…

I too have been following them for a very, very long time and what’s more, I communicate with Kira very often. Just because Nina loves the couch and her cell phone (like thousands of people) doesn’t mean she doesn’t do anything. She was the one who supported the household for a while with several jobs. Kira cannot stand inactivity, everyone has their own character.