Nina & Kira

In France, the quality of water depends on where you live. The pipes sometimes age and the quality suffers. As for pesticides, they are still used far too much in all our countries. For example, a quarter of the pesticides used in the USA are already banned in Europe. _____ing clean water does not mean it is pesticide-free.

British tap water is actually ranked among the cleanest in the world and is subject to rigorous testing


At least you can _____ it straight out of the tap nice and cold, :milk_glass:

Your comment is very much appreciated :+1:
Especially when we have had to over come all the old victorian pipe systems which were almost falling apart.
We still have faults though during storms and floods when the plants overflow and it is diverted into our rivers.
But i am very surprised at how many countries still have to rely on bottled water in this day and age.
After all clean water is the basic source of life support.

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To be honest i have never known anything different. :+1:

2.2 billion people do not have access to clean water.
More than 1,000 c___dren die daily from diseases linked to unsafe water and poor sanitation.

letā€™s get back to more joyful things :rofl: :rofl:


Cool hat :sunglasses::metal:

And sheā€™s lovely with her short hair again, much betteršŸ‘

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I wouldnā€™t know with her b___dy hat on :laughing:

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Donā€™t forget itā€™s starting get cold now in Russia even Kira has got a hood on taking Sam for a walk on Patreon ,the weather in St Petersburg now is 10c going down to 9c by bbc weather :snowflake:time to change to winter tyres now isnā€™t it compulsory

This room is very quiet, there is no excitementā€¦ Why? :thinking: :thinking:

No bodies there

moving Tuesday (from the apartment to the house) little Sam to kindergarten Wednesday

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Must be Samā€™s feeling better

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At least when Kira is back in the house she will be able to tidy up the council tipšŸ˜



Iā€™ll have to admit Nina is doing a good topless job tidying upšŸ‘