Nina & Kira

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Kira’s final return to the house is postponed for a week. Their son is ill and cannot go to kindergarten.


Hope he gets well soon :hugs:

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it’s just a cold


Hurry up and get well Sam ,:heart_eyes:

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Hope it will not change her plan to start a new job…

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Do you mean Nina or Kira starting a new job what ever it is?:heart_eyes_cat:

Now I do remember some of these people. Thanks for the pics

When the girls first mentioned on the forum they were moving back to the house in October,i seam to remember right at the end message No CB dose the mean Kira won’t be on anymore



new cage for birds


Mains water supply not good enough eh :roll_eyes:

I have never seen them use the city water supply.

Gentlemen this may explain why they don’t use the water from the taps.

A Chicago Tribune reporter posted a picture on social media of the warning near the sink of her hotel bathroom that read, “Do not use on your face because it contains something very dangerous.” Another reporter tweeted, “peach juice…oh wait, that’s water,” and many other reporters joined in on the spectacle.

However, what seemed entertaining for the press was and continues to be a harsh reality for Russians. Over 10 million people lack access to quality _____ing water in Russia and 60 percent of the country’s population _____s water from contaminated wells.

Russian regulatory bodies report that between 35 percent and 60 percent of the country’s _____ing water reserves do not meet sanitary standards. Forty percent of surface water and 17 percent of underground spring water are not safe enough to _____. Russian rivers and lakes contain pollution from agricultural and industrial waste in amounts that exceed all minimum standards.

The poor water quality in Russia is due to the “thousands of companies [that] have dumped dangerous chemicals into rivers and lakes, and these pollutants are inevitably absorbed into the human body through water and food,” according to Greenpeace. Waterborne illness as a result of such pollution behaviors contributes to the deaths of more than 3 million people every year — more deaths than those a war causes.

Lo del agua es interesante a ver si sacan un articulo investigando cuanto tiempo se puede estar sin mantener relaciones sexuales.
Echo de menos los temblores de Nina o Kira que nunca me acuerdo) en el orgasmo

Thanks for that, well not much for Russia to be proud of really is it.
Have always _____ tap water in the UK as at least that is one thing the UK can be proud of is that our water supply is free of any contaminations and fully fit to _____.
It seems there are not many places in the world you can say that.

Same here. Our tap water is also very good.

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One thing i will never understand is that so many countries seem to have money for arms etc and space exploration etc etc but do not seem to have money for the care of their people.
Even many countries in Europe seem to have not very good water supplies.
In India for example most of their people live in filth yet they can spend money on rockets and space craft, unbelievable.

So sad isn’t it. I am sad for the people in those countries

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Who needs a man ,well done Nina building that new birdcage more room for the birds🦅