Nina & Kira

Your vision of the family is probably outdated, you have to live with the times, look ahead, not always behind. I remind you that little Sam has two moms. :wink:

I remind everybody here of this rule again: :point_down:

its not very often i agree with YOU, but on this occasion i do . who needs to know personal information on any of these participants and friends that we will never ever meet , anyone trying to find out or share personal information are just stalkers and those type of members need booting out of the forum for participants protection

Thanks for the information Kira ,yes last time was abit late but you cant win them all❤️

Yes I’m one of the old school , I can’t keep up with all the changes ,but yes it’s their life ,it’s up to them😻

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Yeah the modern way is just one parent families, or ones that will never have a daddy or a m____r,so good for the c___d eh :roll_eyes: :laughing:


Not old school pal, just normal :+1:


Not perfect pal, just normal. :+1:


You know me ill never be normal :rofl:

So Kira advertising Chaturbate on VHTV lol, good eh :laughing:

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what is normal for you is not necessarily normal for others. I don’t think you or I will be able to change a few things as families evolve.

it’s not like no VH attendees also work on CB. (it was me who posted the message, not Kira, she sent me the message so that I could pass on the info)

Normal pal is for a c___d to have a m____r AND a f____r.
This has stood the test of time and always will, any other combination just means the c___d loses out on an important figure in their lives.
You can argue black is white as long as you like but won’t make any difference.

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Maybe Kira might do CB from the house tonight ,she needs to put cam 11 back on the wall again ,as you said use a 6 inch nail and tidy up what Nina left😁

Same difference, advertising on VHTV is just the same.
Who do you think you are their manager :laughing:

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he sure act’s like it

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I have no intention of convincing you and changing your conservative view of the family. The world will move forward with or without you. That said, if you look back you will find many civilizations that did not work. there are still countries today where polygamy is allowed

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I think both the girls can manage themselves ,with no problems :+1:

doesnt seem like that

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17 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters