Nina & Kira

Is Kira home yet? I bet Nina can’t wait for a cuddle of her baby son🤱

Belgian law was more open-minded at the end of the 90s: Extracts

  1. – Quelles possibilités le droit belge offre-t-il aux personnes de même sexe de donner une traduction juridique à leur union? Le droit belge offre aux personnes de même sexe deux possibilités distinctes de donner une forme juridique à leurs relations. Outre ces deux possibilités, la pratique belge a accordé certains effets juridiques a minima à l’union libre (2). §1. – La cohabitation légale La première possibilité a été introduite par la loi du 23 novembre 1998 sur la cohabitation légale (3). Cette législation permet à deux personnes majeures et capables, qui ne sont pas unis par un mariage ni par une autre cohabitation légale (4), de bénéficier, par simple déclaration faite par écrit devant un officier d’état civil (5), d’un statut légal impératif qui accorde aux cohabitants une certaine protection patrimoniale…

elle est rentrée chez elle , tout va bien.


Great news ,I bet Nina is happy,she can now have a cuddle

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I hope everything is going well for the girls ,settling into family life with their lovely baby son👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Ce silence est si triste… :worried:


If you go on You Tube today ,there are a few of Nina s videos to watch,I know it’s not the same as watching the girls live🎥

send the youtube channel please, and what is their pantheon site link?

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I miss Kira, her beauty, her sweet smile, just being there

It’s a bit bizarre

If anyone has a link or other options (please via PM) that I can follow both of them somehow, I would be happy

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Yes and her full name is there as well, errm, ummm, not sure if privacy still stands once they have left?

And they are just interviews in Russian and some singing ones.

Anyone can find them with half a brain, just not sure we should be giving out personal details on this forum.

Well that limits a lot of people here :rofl: :rofl:

Give us a clue please I don’t mind if you PM me

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They are months old and as I said to the person who just sent me a PM I saw Nina on YouTube a few times but I never saved the link.

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Removed personal details…!!!

Do not post personal details of people here as they will be removed and any more posting will lead to further action.

yo no considero que algo que está en youtube es un detalle personal pero vamos si es asi

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What you consider or not is irrelevant.

During Nina’s Farewell to us, she gave us all an open invitation to join them on YouTube and Patreon, and said she hoped we would join them on those new platforms.

Jabba even said he would put the links at the top of the topic with their permission. Well that, to me, sounds just like absolute permission to post those links.

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Je ne pense pas que Nina ait envie de mélanger ce qui “nous” concerne avec sa chaine Youtube artistique. Elle avait surement l’intension de créer un compte séparé pour Nina et Kira, comme pour Patreon, mais elles n’ont probablement pas encore eu le temps…

That is your interpretation, but you are wrong as these are links to private details on YouTube and the link that Nina was referring to hasn’t been made yet, and once it has then it will be posted.

They have a young baby and their status in Russia is very dangerous to say the least being a lesbian couple. Plus there are many freaky idiots out there like the one who posted the link above who don’t know when to stop and could cause many issues in their lives.

So let’s respect them until they post the links inviting us into their lives as that decision hasn’t been made yet, when the link is made it will be posted, but any others will be removed up until that time out of respect and safety for the couple.

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