Nina & Kira

any name surely and more gorgeous than the name vladimir (the bastard) …

I apologize for the dirty word …

No wishful thinking about it and it’s not theory it’s fact. You only pay for the right to view through the cams, nothing else is guaranteed one way or the other. I thought even you would understand that.

Am not talking about what is either real life, a show or whatever else, you only see what you get or what the participants do. If they do fuckall then that is what you get, fuckall.
That is all you pay for, there are no special rights to see anything other than what the lens sees when you log on…

Oh, now I see where you’re coming from; technically yes, obviously we can only watch what they offer, nothing more, unless you give them tokens, they can do something special :grin:

You know exactly how this pantomime works, a wind up merchant eh😊

Yes the token/donate thing is just a move towards the Chaturbate way of operation.
Whether you are able to put a request in for a certain type of entetainment i don’t know and don’t particulary want to especially now the subs have just been increased :rofl:

pero vuelvo a decir que mis comentarios tienen totalmente derecho de salir en este forum, si no te gusta no lo leas o di con educacion que cosa que parece que no tienes que no te gusta. Ahora me vais a decir que no puedo opinar?

Some could go towards typical sex show, and would be more entertaining than others, some can stay like Hector & Marla; here I support vhtv, when they want more diversity :+1:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

you can comment but you have already been told by almost everyone that sex would not be there why keep commenting for the same thing …

lol so you lack sex eh,what here or in your private life too :rofl:

I have no problems even if an apartment does not have sex all my life there are many other apartments to look at without problems …

I didn’t want to, but I need to jump in on the ALGECIRAS Bull Sh@t. Most of names involved it this flame war, have seen the same crap from other posters over the years and even if the girls see any of this, I suspect that they ignore it and go on with the regular lives anyway.

The girls now have a c___d to take care of and I don’t think they will ever be back online as before since if their son ever showed up online with any nudity of any of them showing, they just went the route of kiddy porn which I imagine the penalties in Russia or even more strict than even in the US.

I hope they settle for an occasional YouTube post just to let us know how they are and to let us know how their son is doing.

As for ALGECIRAS, just ignore him, there are thousands of sites where he can get what he wants for free, so let it go.


First, yes you can comment whenever you want. however, why do you always say the same things. Do you have this on copy and paste? It seems we aren’t always disagreeing with you but would like you to actually say something different rather than the same old comments.

Hello chipper welcome,I’ve missed you

…and, of course, the cats will be sadly missed, too.


Under which name did she perform?

Si je ne me trompe pas ,Volodymyr en ukrainien correspond à Vladimir en russe donc Poutine et Zelensky ont le même prénom.

That’s actually correct

photo du chat dans son nouvel appartement( avant l’accouchement)