Nina & Kira

Rest sweet Kira, rest. You have a busy life ahead of you. Naps may few and far between. I remember when ours were small

Am struggling to remember when ours were small :rofl:

Can anybody enlighten me what that new project is Kira talked about in her farewell message this morning? :wink:

you are mean :rofl: :rofl:

Spiedlife is the one I mentioned to refazer

That is basically VHTV without sex and nudity?

Does CandyRed need to apply :rofl:

Nah I am sure they need some people for testing mattresses or s___ping habits :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

Interesting :+1:

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No sex ,nothing new then. ,well not on camera :woman_shrugging:

Am sure the world doesnā€™t always revolve around sex :roll_eyes:

If you didnā€™t have sex there wouldnā€™t be anyone living , come on Rob didnā€™t they tell you about the birds and bees When you were young or is it so long ago you canā€™t remember ( ha ha)

Yeah well nothing to see here anymore time for all you obsessives to move on i think :rofl:

Quien ha hablado de sexo?

Nada que ver aqui pendejo.

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Youā€™ve got a one track mind. Go away And play with that thing between you legs

Please @Disneykid give it up. You take care of yourself on any of the other realms. Do what you want. See what you want. I donā€™t care and am sure there are others that would unite in this statement. They havenā€™t been on RLC and VH for so many years only because of sex or lack of. It has been one of only a few ā€œreal lifeā€ cameras. Thatā€™s why so many of us have followed them daily. Just to see whatā€™s going on. It would be like us coming into your home (no thanks) and telling you we donā€™t approve of your sexual preferences (again, no thanks). Please, just give it up

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Iā€™ve got nothing to give ,up ,That answer was for RobWin nothing to do with you or anyone else if you donā€™t like it I will delete it ,Iā€™m not really bothered either way Iā€™ve been watching the girls for over 4 years with no complaints and if they go on another project I shall continue to watch the family of Nina Kira and Baby Son

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Thank you for your reply. Didnā€™t mean to get between you and another user.

No worry,thatā€™s what this forum is all about ,everyone has a different opinion of life