Nina & Kira

je crois que j’au eu tord de donner des infos sur les filles.J’ai hier encore envoyer des photos reçu de Kira à certains mais leur façon de faire étaient plus respectueuse que d’autres

I think i have seen an odd post every so often on here but wouldn’t swear to it.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

This is totally irrelevant as all of us respected their privorcy and that is why I sorted out a way that members of this forum could send their wishes to them without invading on their privacy with a webpage full of the messages that they could read. But that’s the last I say on the matter as there is no point in flogging a dead horse.

One would think you are assuming to be their manager/agent or whatever and only allow what you think we should or should not know.
You ovbiously like to be very controlling?

je vois que mes propos ne sont pas compris , je n’ai jamais dis que vous n’aviez pas respecter leur vie privé. Je ne dois pas m’exprimer en bon français.

Deleted … s replied to wrong person

vous pouvez savoir ce que Kira et Nina autorise.

Allez bon tour de France

I give up, do what you will if it makes you happy :roll_eyes:

We can do that in that topic I think. There is no need to do an extra topic. Was never done for any other place…

No, it was agreed with support to make a separate thread as the link will then be sent to Nina & Kira

Did not have that information…

I didn’t expect anyone to delete it :wink:

I just moved the post that will automatically close it. Now all good again.

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So, this is live now so if you want to send your wishes of good luck to Nina & Kira VHTV will forward the link to them so they can read them. :slight_smile:

Jeg er enig. Har også vært innom nesten hver dag og spolet tilbake (når det er mulig). Du tok opp noe jeg ikke tenkte på, et familiebilde. Kanskje @refazer ordner det på en eller annen måte. sorry if not an exact trenslation

l’accouchement et pour la semaine 27?

Maintenant que j’ai appris à traduire (au mieux de mes capacités), je pense que vous faites un excellent travail.

I’m beginning to think the girls don’t realise how much they are going to be missed once they’ve left us ,but their life has to go on :heart_eyes_cat:one thing I forgot to mention as they are VH managers Couldn’t they have one camera in the apartment to give us updates on their son’s progress ,without showing him