Messages of support for Nina and Kira

Bonjour, j’ouvre ce sujet pour que les gens qui le désirent aient la possibilité d’adresser un message à Nina et Kira en vue de leur départ imminent. Le support transmettra le lien de la page à Nina et Kira pour qu’elles puissent lire les messages, et peut-être répondre si elles le souhaitent. Cordialement.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

To become a parent is probably the most wonderful experience that any person will go through, and my two daughters have brought so much joy to my life and now they are 12 and 15 and moving into adulthood, but, I remember every second of when they were born and when they came into this world I was filled with joy and happiness.

Dear Nina & Kira, I wish you everything above and more… I hope your journey as parents is of filled with pride, joy and contentment as my wife and I have experienced.

Take care and best wishes for the future.


Det er en trist dag. Har fulgt disse jentene fra første dag på rlc. Tror nok det er nærmere 10 år siden jeg så dem første gang,og siden tror jeg at jeg har alle leilighetene til dem hver dag. Håper de stikker inn noen andre par eller leiligheter så jeg får se dem igjen. Skulle ønske og fått et familie bilde av dem hvis det hadde vært mulig.


Nina and Kira and pets, Wishing you all the best in the future will miss you all,take care and congratulations on your new family. Paul


Chères Nina et Kira, Je m’appelle Alain, j’habite à Strasbourg (France). Je suis arrivé chez vous un dimanche il y a 6 ou 7 ans… vous faisiez le grand ménage de votre petit appartement RLC. J’avais trouvé quelque chose de fascinant chez vous. Dès lors, je suis venu vous voir chaque jour que vous étiez en ligne, et vous êtes devenues en quelques sorte des amies. Des amies auxquelles on s’attache et pour lesquelles on s’inquiète de savoir si tout va bien… C’est une nouvelle vie qui va commencer pour vous, je vous la souhaite belle, longue et heureuse. Pour nous c’est la fin de l’histoire… Merci d’avoir été là toutes ces années… c’est triste de voir la maison se vider. Vous allez nous manquer et nous penserons à vous. Faites nous un signe de temps en temps :wink: Très cordialement



Nina and Kira

Thank you for allowing us to be a video part of your lives. You know none of us though we sure feel like we know you. Many of us have followed you since the small apt on RLC. You have had ups and downs just like you Your wedding was wonderful. Every time I see your bands on your fingers I have happy thoughts. Your smiles were and are still infectious. The moment you give birth in the next few days will a moment you will always remember and cherish. You are going to be great Mom’s! The first picture with you both holding him will give you smiles from ear to ear each time you see it. Enjoy the rest of your lives, love each other and give that new baby a hug from all of us.

Thank you for letting us be a small part of it. Many Blessings to you


Kira and Nina,

I have followed you for so long, I feel as though I’m losing two members of my family. I have spent many years with you and loved every minute. You are such wonderful people. I’m glad I had the chance to get to know you a little.

The new addition to your family will be the most exciting and wonderful time of your lives. I hope everything is smooth, easy and uncomplicated with the birth, the babe and both moms.

How I wish it were possible to have some way to keep up with the three of you once you leave VHTV. You will be missed so much.

paws-kitty I miss you I miss you this much


Nina & Kira

I have followed you since the early days of RLC and later onto VHTV. You have given me much happiness, in fact you have been the daughters that I never had in my real life.

It has been wonderful to watch you grow as a couple together and now I wish you the best happiness in your future life together with your new baby.

I will miss you badly, so if there is any way to provide little updates occasionally of how the three of you are doing I am sure there are many people on here who would be very grateful. Perhaps an anonymous Facebook account which doesn’t link to the ‘real you’ ?

Thank you for letting me into your life for so many years xx



Hi guys! Thank you! For your attention and your love both of us! Thank you that you saw us so many time and that you were with us. Maybe we return later in the other projects or will be guests to our friends which you all know.) we love this project and we really happy that will have baby.) so we don’t say you last goodbye :slight_smile: we say you good bye and see you soon. Thank you for your support!!!


Nina & Kira

First of all I admit I never was your closest follower but of course I will write you some lines too.
You joined VHTV August 20th 2019. And before you were a long time on RLC. So it is safe to say you are the Methusalems of all the voyeur sites :joy:
During all that time you shared your life with us you never changed or did things you did not want to do or fealt uncomfortable to do. But also you never were hiding anything. It was the pure voyeur experience.
I remember funny moments when you played around with your cats and the cats were chasing the birds (And thankfully cats and birds always survived)
And I am sure everybody still remembers that water melon in your very first place where people were asking themselves if you simply forgot about it or if there is a more sophisticated reason for leaving it there for weeks? :joy: I guess a question which will stay without an answer for good. :grin:
Not to forget the tender loving moments between you two of course.
And you showed everybody who doubted sometimes (yes me too :see_no_evil:) that two girls are perfectly able to set up apartments and install cameras.

So now your long adventure in the world of voyeurs is coming to an end. And you have the most happy reason for it: You will be a family soon with a little baby boy coming soon.
I wish you a great start into your new life and a healthy and long life with your son

All the best :heart: :heart: :heart:


I did send a message in the normal forum, but I thought I would you wish in this both good luck in this support messages Kira can look after her baby son, Nina can look after her baby Gingerbread ,as I said before I wish you both Health,Wealth and Happiness you will be missed by all your loyal supporters Bye and good luck with everything you do .:couplekiss_woman_woman:


Kira & Nina i have had the pleasure to watch you for lots of years, watching your relationship through its ups and downs and blossem into what it is today.

All i can wish is the baby is healthy and i know that with parents like yourselves will be loved and cherished. Wishing you all health, wealth and happyness in your forthcomming adventures. :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag:


Nina and kira Been following you and the pets for years,and still remember seeing you on your wedding day all the best in your new life and family will miss you all take care. Paul


Dear Kira and Nina,

I’m one of those who admired you from afar for quite some time, and I’ll miss seeing you. Thank you for letting us peek into your lifes. Sometimes it is soothing just to see that people you care about are doing ok.

These may be scary times to have a baby, with the multitude of crises going on. But I’m confident that you’ll be strong and loving parents and get through the bumpy road that lies ahead. And in time things in your country will change for the better.

But the most important thing will be the love that you have in your family, take good care of each other. I wish you all the best.

Goodbye and farewell, Hardy


Hello Nina & Kira

Thank you for all the years together with the two of you, in all the apartments both in RLC and VHTV. Thank you for all the funny moments, the sad moments and the grey everyday moments.

Don’t get me wrong please, but I loved your sometimes totally messy apartmets, filled to the brim with all kinds of useful and useless stuff. It showed real people living real lives.

Now it has come to an end, and it feels sad. But only a little, because this is not really an end, it’s a beginning. A new life starts, family life with joy and hard work in a blend that makes it all worth it.

All my best wishes and all my love to the three of you :heart:


Nina & Kira

As another chapter of your life story comes to a close another more exciting one starts, with a new arrival imminent you’ll find out the true meaning of love & joy. :family_woman_woman_boy:

I hope things work out with another option so we can look in from time to time to see how you’re doing.

All the best for the future BigJock :kissing_heart: :heart:


Nina et Kira Je voux souhaite beaucoup de bonheur dans votre nouvelle vie avec cet enfant, les adieux sont toujours tristes, mais c’est la vie. Soyez heureuses :heart: :heart: :heart:


The best of luck to all three of you, sweetheart. I have been observing your life for many years now and will miss you you very much. That video brought some tears up but I am happy for you and the new addition of you little boy. Take care and enjoy the full life ahead of you and Nina. I will miss you both.