Nina & Kira

That is a cute one :joy: :heart:

So, here’s a few questions

  1. Do we get the opportunity to enjoy the 1 or 2 more days?
  2. Do you feel as I do that your going to miss them very much?
  3. Will they both have a final conversation with us. I know in the past both of them have done so.

Even without these questions, I think they are going to be great Mom’s to their new son. They will love him very much as well as each other. Ladies, with a tear in my eye, you will be missed after all of these years. Thanks for sharing your life with us. :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :broken_heart:


Is today the day we say goodbye to the girls? It’s sad to see them packing up everything

I understood it was there house they had bought reading other posts, Yes very sad day I have been whotching the girls for many years,remember seeing hem on there wedding day will miss them, Love Nina and Kira and all the pets hope they have a great future with there new family.

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Thank you girls for sharing your life with us in my case over the last 4 years,I wish you Health, Wealth, and Happiness in your new life as a family :heart::heart:


Det er en trist dag. Har fulgt disse jentene fra fÞrste dag pÄ rlc. Tror nok det er nÊrmere 10 Är siden jeg sÄ dem fÞrste gang,og siden tror jeg at jeg har hvert innom leilighetene til dem hver dag. HÄper de stikker innom noen andre par eller leiligheter sÄ jeg fÄr se dem igjen. Skulle Þnske og fÄtt et familie bilde av dem hvis det hadde hvert mulig.

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Yes it is a shame and I wanted to organise a little message board from all us congratulating Nina & Kira and wishing them good luck in the future.

I asked @refazer who says he knows them to pass the messages on, but he answered once and then after many messages left unanswered I gave up.

It’s a shame that people here who have known them for many years were unable to be given the opportunity to say goodbye because of one guy. :man_facepalming: :frowning:

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J’ai reçu beaucoup de messages. Envoyez vos texte je les ferais suivre.

So you didn’t even read it? Says a lot really. I sorted out the message board in Google docs and the invite to send a message and all you had to do was to send the link to Nina & Kira so they could read them but you never replied, so I gave up as it seemed that you had little interest in just sending a simple link so Nina & Kira could read all the messages to them. :man_facepalming:

Ahi va mi mensaje Suerte chicas en vuestra nueva vida aunque eché mucho de menos el sexo y por eso no os veía tanto

Je viens Ă  l’instant de vĂ©rifier , effectivement j’en ai trouvĂ© dans les indĂ©sirables. Moi je correspond avec les filles par Telegram ou sms (payant)

Then you didn’t understand what was going to be done nor carefully read the message as this is a copy what was sent to you.


en français se sera mieux.

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For years people have understood each other by using translators on this site and all of a sudden you are asking me to write in French?

Whatever, selfish people like yourself will not be a loss to this site

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je te parle de traduction et toi tu m’insulte. Tes mails je viens de les dĂ©couvrir .


Don’t bother pal he obviously likes to be the one in control of what members see or do not see or whatever. Think it’s called an ego trip :laughing:

je ne peux pas envoyer des choses que je n’ai pas vu.

I don’t understand why people can’t just leave a message here on this forum. I assume they have access, or am I missing something?

Yeah I get that and sad isn’t it as it would have been nice for people to have sent their own messages to Nina & Kira.

I don’t think they come here and read stuff although I may be wrong, but I think we cannot rely on an honest answer from refrazer which is a shame. :frowning: