Nina & Kira

Did anyone understand what Kira was explaining to us at 11:44pm?

From what I understood was that it was too hot on the second floor

Many Thanks. So like me. Unfortunately, I can’t avoid the heat in my small apartment.

At 8 1/2 mos pregnant, heat would be one of many issues that bother her :blush:

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I’m beginjng to think this jerk is a sandwich short of a picnic

Then stop contradicting yourself and being an idiot

tempĂ©rature prĂ©vu aujourd’hui dans le village de Kira



A la recherche de la fraicheur


Okay and Thanks to all. It shows that my eyes are not cheating me :grinning:

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75 km is about 47 miles in uk depending on the traffic that’s about 1 hours traveling,so l think the girls have done the right thing ,as they won’t be on camera anymore😟

I can back him up on what he says. I have seen that complete interview. It’s been many, many months, but I saw it with my own eyes. It was about the organization Nina started or runs, or both, that helps battered women, which Refazer has mentioned here several times. I believe Refazer always tells the truth about the girls.

I think, half year ago

Too bad I can’t find the video on youtube anymore

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Don’t you Leaders have the authority to mute prats like him. It is unbelievable that anyone can keep asking the same question over and over again , especially to a girl who is about to give birth.

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Nope, nor should we as that shouldn’t be our responsibility.

Totally understand the frustration but banning/muting people is not the answer. I will say that if @jabbath1987 agrees that if he posts any more repetitive silly questions then they will end up in the bin.

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Well it is obvious they days of that realm are numbered therefore some silly requests are totally out of place by now. When there is repeated trolling I agree. He should know by now there won’t be any sex anymore.

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Vamos a ver. Vosotros no sois los habitantes de la casa, solo le preguntaba a las chicas si iban a tener sexo. De verdad pensais que esta mal preguntar

Maybe once or twice, but seeing as they never answer here plus the plainly obvious fact that they are having a baby and it isn’t going to happen, I find it incredibly hard to understand why you persist in asking. As I said, any repetition of such questions will go into the bin.

Ever the eternal optimist me. :slight_smile:

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Don’t you ever give up sorry I got the wrong person last time

Kira looks throughly cheesed off today, I bet she can’t wait now to have her son to cuddle :breast_feeding:

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