Nina & Kira


Needs Alan Titchmarsh out there :rofl:


absolument pas connu en France

Their loss then or more to the point the gardens loss :laughing:

I thought I heard roosters within the last few days!

Or a load of sheep

If the girls knew they were moving out their house for a couple of years, to move into an apartment why did they unpack everything plus they made the cameras permanent seems abit odd to me

I don’t think this move was planned when they bought the house.


Perhaps Kira could explain

You ever understood womens logic? word of advice, don’t bother :rofl:

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elle ne souhaitais pas dĂ©mĂ©nager. Simplement la perte de 2000 Ă  2500€ par mois du dĂ©part de VH les oblige Ă  prendre un appartement au loyer moins onĂ©reux et elle vont louer leur maison en attendant de meilleur jour et de pouvoir y retourner. L’arrivĂ©e du bĂ©bĂ©, le congĂ© maternité  coute cher (peu d’aides en Russie)


Well they will never return with a c___d, not allowed.

It is most likely they won’t return to VH

I assume refazer means the return to their house, not VHTV


Correct, well not with the c___d anyway. Wouldn’t think they would be that irresponsible.
Unless my original theory of surrogation is correct :rofl:

j’ais pas dit qu’elles allait revenir sur VH. Juste qu’elles pensaient rester ici.


When the time is right for them to return to their house ,I said I doubt they will return to VH

Wherever they end up it won’t be on VH with a c___d is all i was saying.

If they want to carry on doing this they should look into Spiedlife seems to be no problem with having a c___d on there. It’s the same but no sex.