New Design Discussion

Ah yes, that a good addition i think, easily turned on and off if needed. :+1:

Oh they can be…for SOME things!!! :laughing:

It’s possible - you can achieve it by unselecting all favorites, and then adding them back in desired order

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I know that it is reviewed every 90 or 100 days, so was easy to figure it out knowing the time when i got it.

That just added to the confusion to be honest. I think it’s stuck to my profile pic, cause everything else is turned off in my settings

Now if VH want to be REALLY helpful and provide something REALLY useful they could give us multiple views like RLC have done for years now. :+1:

cc @kaya @VHTV_James

All what they have done now is purely cosmetic.and not very forward thinking.

Just view some more topics and you are back on track by the way

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I still think motion sensors, complete with clear visuals showing a preview of room activity, in EVERY room of EVERY apartment (like RLC) would be a a wonderful addition.

VHTV have already stated publicly that this new website is needed to activate new features

Motion sensors are a pure waste of time pal. From past experience of RLC roving a____l/pet sets them off and just cause havoc.
With the current crop of pets etc they would be constantly going off.

Right, my message says “new design”. Great spotted

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Will await with Intrepidationi :thinking:

Oooo yes, am sharp as button always dear :wink:

Not wishing to keep on about it but multiple screens would be a god send.
No more flicking on cams to follow people etc you would have 4 views of your choice constantly on screen, no more waiting on cams to load and missing things like you often do now.
Any of them being able to be enlarged as you wish.
Anyone who has used RLC would know how useful they can be i can assure you.

This “new design” somehow passed me by… :sweat_smile:
I looked at it now and was shocked to see that it was this beta version that I, as a TL-3 user, looked at once and quickly clicked away again.

I don’t actually see any advantages in this new design, although I mostly watch VHTV on the PC.
However, there are plenty of disadvantages.

  1. The room list no longer scrolls, causing the stream to disappear to the top if you have many cameras.
  2. The link to the forum and the archive opens in the same tab.
  3. The stream image is now so large that the timeline can no longer be seen and you also have to scroll a bit.

Great, and now it’s in maintenance before I would have found any more errors… :joy: :joy: :joy:

I am guessing you went in and out of full screen. I messaged support about this yesterday
Glad its not just me :rofl:

You can also have that here if you use the Firefox browser. You can even take as many views as you can fit on your screen if your internet bandwidth allows.

Really, well wasn’t aware of that but unfortunately I don’t like Firefox, too many reasons to list here but there you go.
Recently have got a bit fed up with switching browsers to be honest, prefer to stick with one i know and am familiar with.

Don’t think you could ever see the timeline when using full screen?

I’ve never been able to see the timeline in full screen mode. But in the new design it continued to slide down even in normal mode. Only the blue peaks of the timeline were visible. In order to click on it, I had to scroll down a bit so that the streaming image at the top was cut off to such an extent that you could no longer see the time.

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