
I agree, the best thing for Artem to do would be to ask Tristan if he can swap rooms with him. Maybe he did ask previously & Siora said no, but I think now Siora is gone if he asked Tristan now, Tristan wouldn’t have a problem with it.

and there are still Tristan left? I did not see him, they wrote on the forum that he left with Siora, Alp and the girl from archi remained

He went out of the house with Siora, but he hasn’t moved out. He will probably be back tomorrow.

We may find that Tristan spends more time away from the apartment now that Siora no longer lives there.

Officially 5 people live there now. Tristan & Nari in the main bedroom, Artem & the girl with no name in Artem’s bedroom and Alp on the livingroom couch.

he is there a new pussy not investigated, obviously Alp it is not needed, then Artem will work for two if the girl with Artem will not mind :wink:

what is interesting under Artem’s bed? He thought there was a dildo :wink:

woke up Artem

Perhaps they should swap partners.

maybe, but the girls want it?

Artem and Tristan appear to have spent the night elsewhere.

They was there all night their own time well at least up till 5am when I last seen them

Who baths in their underwear, it is no a shyness issue as she has just had a good fuck while naked in the living room? :upside_down_face:

nari and bari sisters or just consonant twins? why is there no inscription, a virgin lives here, or shy people live here :joy: I’m shocked, Alp is also armless, Nari came to him, please open a bottle, go to the kitchen, open it yourself

Do you have a timeline for that please?

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It is on the photo, 23;32

Artem decided to fuck her aggressively

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That all he knows how to do.

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spray from hands even during sex does not release :joy:

One day he will wonder why his nasal passages are fucked.

allergy, we already figured it out