Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!

Most phone cams nowadays are quite good.

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True, I’ve DM’d you a photo I took this morning with mine! :slight_smile:

Where exactly did you take the photo btw?

My comments have been previously moved and I have been called a TROLL when I spoke about Leo not fighting for his country. On the night that Belly, Tony and Tina left he was willing to fight everyone and certainly Tony and Belly had to get in-between them which seemed strange when not him not standing up for Ukraine. But as I have previously stated certain people control this forum and if you challenge them and they do not like it they block or delete or move your comments. 17 days days ago @ ukpolska said this about me after I criticized Leo Just realized there is little point in try to reason with this warmonger. :frowning: Ignored is such a wonderful feature for this G.I. Joe :blush: :blush Yet the war is still going on and innocent people dying. Yet a new forum created to call him a hero and by the way I agreed with that, but it just shows when they do not like what you say you lose. Also I do have experience of a war back in 2003 and whilst I did not agree the reason I did what I believed was right.

from here

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He wanted to show where he is. He never said it is his own photo

that’s the photo he posted and claimed this :

I don’t get it, @Bluewinner, what’s the fuzz? Is it related to these posts? Really? I’m very out of context of recent posts, but just took a look at your activity feed and see these posts of you and other user throwing rocks at each other and these seem like off the topic to me too.

I tend to agree you are overreacting on this, but that’s not the first time Jabbath is mentioned in the context of moving posts based on their preferences. But that’s how responsibility comes with power.

This can be solved by either fully automatizing the forum moderation (the more flags post gets, the quicker it gets hidden) or we still rely on humans and keep in mind the decision is always subjective.

Of course that comment was nasty. Everybody there was desperate about the war and you compared the decision about not going to battle and fight with a private fight? And telling what you did in some other conflict and picturing Leo as a coward is not okay too. So do not be surprised about that when you do nasty comments.

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Dictatorship and censorship are not the right words, but you do exploit your powers, @jabbath1987, that is clear as the day. Just look at how you act in this thread, and pretty much any other thread. You moralize absolutely everthing. You define what’s right and wrong, and you constantly remind people what they can and cannnot say. If someone speaks up against it, like @Bluewinner did here, you say that he is a hypocrite, because he could have sent you a PM two weeks ago. But then we are at the core of this whole issue. He would still be dependent on your mercy.

I think it’s extremely unfortunate that only one person is unofficially given a special privilage. @VHTV_James should either remove @jabbath1987’s moderating rights, or they could create an official role, where maybe a handfull of the most active members were given a possition of moderator. As it is now, it’s just wrong and unfair on many levels.

As I said I am finally out of here now. I apologized to @Bluewinner most of the people support my opinion and I do not a___e and respect everybody here who is not trolling the forums.

I wish everybody a nice day. I have a birthday to celebrate now :wink:

Right now I am on the border crossing in Zosin and I moved to Zamosc to stay in student accommodation as we were asked to increase the amount of pickups each day as the borders are at breaking point as it only takes us 40 mins to get to the border compared to 4 hours from Warsaw.

The picture is taken from this border and quite a well-known one here and that’s why I chose it as it represents the enormity of what is happening here.

I haven’t seen my family in three weeks nor have many of the people here as they give up their time free to help.

One final thing, fuck you…!!!

yes, the posts have been moved so they seem out of context as my posts are now in Bella’s topic and what I was replying to is in S__t-hole topic. It’s the nature of the forum that conversation gets heated, but it was not disrespectful or rude, at least IMO. anyway thanks for the clarification, I accept your decision as you are the authority here, but since I do not like my posts being moved to s__t-hole I will not take part in forum discussions anymore ( with the exception of Archive request threads ). have good day everyone :wink: :blue_heart:

I dont think this comment by Galore was a random trolling act I believe there is more that lead to this post, ie many personal attacks lead to it. i have posted stuff that i wish to hear other perspectives to enlighten me but instead get throwed to the s__t room and hit with name calling(and replied with same) and attacked n shunned by the “click” bluewinner, jabs, frog. I really dont even like to participate in discusssion here either, it is a broken system for sure

There’s specific role for that, which @jabbath1987 has. It is Trust Level 4, which is manually assigned and, actually, can be converted to assigned automatically based on trust criteria, which includes account age, content quality (less flags = better) and so on.

We can introduce something like “parliament” whose members will be rotated based on public vote if this idea gets your common approval.

Or we can just introduce more users to Trust Level 4 based on your proposals too, which will add more people with power of moving/editing posts. Though we will always have unsatisfactory outcomes of subjective moderation.

Once again, need to remind that TL4 users are not moderators as they have no right to access users’ data.

How was my comment nasty when lots of women and men between 18 - 60 are fighting and still fighting whilst Leo was not. If you remember Tina was only there 1 day when Leo was trying to have sex with her and whilst Belly said it was consensual it did seen strange? Someone even made a comment that he could help in other ways if he was not able to fully support the war? Just look at Lucas.

You are obviously got heated up because all of this, but please rest assured you are no enemy to anybody here and everybody has their right to express opinion.

My advice would be just to chill some time, maybe it’s better for you (and anybody else) to have some time off forum threads. But everybody is always welcome to the conversation. Everyone but trolls and discussion saboteurs.

That leads me to @Galore, who is Amy indeed, and nobody cancelled her lifetime ban at this forum due to their far from civil activity.

rick springfield twd GIF


that was a post towards me actually as for what I posted wanting diff oppinions to base my train of thought wascalled troll, trump something, russian spy how about jacs ask the poster in pm what was your intention of post and block all the name calling then if at that point thinking it was trolling then ask the poster to remove it if they dont then move it

I know I saw that. You got into this thread, that’s why this part was moved including your posts. In cases like these, I believe it is better to move the whole conversation instead of picking one of the sides, as this will bring just more confusion to any thread reader.

sad part is if anyone has legit questions and not saying mine are but if 1 person calls them a name no one in the furture or that has the same question will benifit because whos gonna read through the trash talk, lost will be lost but its a shame, thanks for your comment