Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!

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So why are you commenting on other realm 23 minutes after this?

I think that’s normal someone says they are out of here but really aren’t.

not speaking for or defending but would think being operator under the gun his workload just increased and has more than this post to tend to

The issue is when they do not like what someone says then they move, delete the posts or call them a TROLL. I have not made any comments for nearly 3 weeks but appears nothing has changed and a few people can say what they like about who or what they like with no problems and on a forum that is not correct

Access user data is not what we talk about here, but editing other people’s posts, moving posts between threads, locking and merging threads. That’s what only Jabbath can do, and no one else. I seem to remember at the very beginning of this forum that you said TL4 would be opened up to more members, and that Jabbath initially was given this role to help set things up. Now we are more than half a year later, and Jabbath still holds an exclusive possition. It is also becoming more and more clear that Jabbath loves to ‘show off’ and use his powers alittle more than what would’ve been stricktly necessary, which just makes the unfair situation even worse. So I think you have two options. Either reduce Jabbath to TL3. Or open up TL4 to more members.

I tend to agree with you on this, I noticed the behavior you describe too, that doesn’t look good in some cases, but we are all humans and can communicate that to @jabbath1987 too when it concerns anyone. I would suggest asking everyone with a short-term poll if the posts mentioned by TL4 user should be moved/edited/purged, etc. And act based on the forum members decision.

We certainly have no enough resources right now to expand official moderators team, and TL4 abilities help the forum a lot, even if there’s still just one member acting.

How about we open up a poll which will have TL3 members to be “elected” to become TL4?

There is no automatic way of becoming TL4 within forum software as for now, though devs noted to plan this feature in the future (Ctrl+F: “leader”)

And it seems to me the TL3 members are the first to become TL4 as per forum poll or other selection algorithm we may discuss.

How does anyone know if they are a TL3 member or whatever.

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Let me comment on that please. I moved a lot of stuff lately. Yes. As stated to keep the topics of the Ukrainian places clean so the important things can get discussed there and participants already under a lot of stress do not have to read derogatory comments. Nobody complained about that at all.

I do not know what people mean that I show off with my “abilities”? In fact I got asked by people to move things they do not like and often did not move it even I did not like it. So I always try to be fair. But I am human. So of course I make mistakes. As I read and answer all my messages I encourage everybody to write me anytime when he feels treated bad. About looking for moderators I offered to help with that after the war started and that offer still stands. I am more than fine to welcome more TL4 members here. In fact some help sometimes won’t hurt at all :wink:

click on your profile notification icon then scroll down to earned member badge n open that, thats how i did it might be easier way idk

That’s a good question, maybe there’s an easier way to check it out. Not sure if that’s visible for everybody though…

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Yes, we are all humans, and it must be accepted to do mistakes. And about trying to communicate that to Jabbath, I think many has tried to do that, but he doesn’t really take criticism all that well. He gets defensive, and statrs moralizing. You can even see it in this thread, how he responded to Bluewinner.

Yes, that is one solution. And as part of that “election”, Jabbath’s name should be there too, on the same term as the other TL3 members. His possition should not be automatic.

But the trust level just says member it doesn’t say what level I have.


you click on that it shows you as level 2

Wow, I looked into my member profile and saw that I’m Trust Level 2. Tears flowing right now. Wish I had known earlier so that I could have made an acceptance speech of some sort and shared this news with my better half.

Jokes aside, I don’t really have a problem with stuff being moved if the comments are very insulting. Though that in itself is subjective. Perhaps there could be a “Trust 4 only” thread that is hidden from others below that rank - if the platform allows for this. Then the elected T4s (people that we members see as trustworthy) can discuss individual cases. Maybe have an odd number of T4s. If the majority agree, then they can be moved. It shouldn’t be up to the discretion of one non-mod as it leads to a___e of power, and it makes him look like the bad guy. Just adds to his stress in the end, which shouldn’t really happen since this is a pseudo- porn forum after all, and we all came here with the same intention in the first place - to chill and enjoy voyeurism. As for banning, the team of T4s can reach a consensus. But the member should be given a “friendly warning” first with perhaps some positive reinf___ement. After that, maybe a Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3 (suspension for a week) and then Strike 4 (banned).

Hope that helps.

It doesn’t work for me when i hover the mouse or click over it it doesn’t do anything,.

According to this Understanding Discourse Trust Levels | Blog

If it says “member” you are trust level 2 although I can’t be 100% sure it’s true as the stuff it mentions for trust level 3 I was never able to do and I used to get it awarded on a daily basis and didn’t have a 2 week grace period either

Oh ok thanks.

Well Jabbath, I’ve found that everyone is much more knowledgeable about a job and can do the job at least 100 times better than the person that is doing the job, so long as they don’t actually have to do the job. Fuck 'em, do what you think is right.

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So when are we all going out for a Pint?