Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!

@moderators @VHTV_James @VHTV_CEO Recently a lot of posts are being moved to the Gossip topic AKA S__t-hole by @jabbath1987, for no apparent reason. It’d be understandable if the posts that are being moved are off topic, but unfortunately it is being done to censor the alternative views based on Jabbath’s opinion and preferences. My understanding of the previous statements from @VHTV_James was that he has been given the ability to edit and move posts in order to help with organising the forum and not to censor other members. IMO it has got to a ridiculous point and it needs to be stopped. I’d really appreciate if @VHTV_James can clarify Jab’s role in the forum and let all members know if he is in charge of controlling the contents of the posts or not. I for one would definitely not want to be a part of a forum that’s intolerant of opposing views and a small minority can decide what is and isn’t allowed.


Jimmy Fallon Agree GIF

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you are both moments operators ,so in fact you can do the same ,there must be reasons behind moving posts ,why not ask ,I have had posts moved to be fair who cares

That’s your opinion and if members are openly defaming participants and that is their only motive and no other then they deserve to be moved.

Why should a person who has gone through hell have fun made of her lips, plus many other snide remarks?

If the comments weren’t of an insulting nature then they wouldn’t be there, simple.

We are moment operators, not Moderators. Only Jab has the ability to move things around to help keep the forum organised, for instance if someone post a screenshot of realm “a” in realm “b” topic, he can move it to its appropriate place. he was not given that ability to censor other members. I find it very insulting to have my post moved to an unrelated topic for no reason. I strongly disagree with everything Amy3 says, but even if his posts are offensive, they needs to be flagged by the community and removed by the moderators based on the forum rules not be moved to s__t-hole. This practice is wrong in so many level and it’s against the freedom of expression.

That’s actually not correct, jabbeth has extra admin privileges over the rest of the moment operators

Who should decide what’s wrong or insulting ? we have clear process to deal with offensive & inappropriate posts, they can be flagged by the members, and the moderators will remove it if they agree with the community. it’s not Jab’s responsibility, he is just abusing his abilities on the forum.

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If i remember correctly i saw in one topic a few members requesting @jabbath1987 to move the posts. About the others i don’t know.

yes, that’s what’s been happening a lot lately, if someone disagrees with a post they ask him to move it to s__t-hole, this is not how a free & tolerant forum is suppose to work. that’s why I am asking for clarification.


You seem to take this overly personally just because your posts were moved this morning when for the majority you have an off topic conversation with Amy, which everyone knows here goes only one way and that is nowhere. Amy started the usual rant about Jabs and when that didn’t work he reverted to insulting the participant, but you still carried on trying to placate Amy for a good 30 mins on all sorts of topics.

Under normal circumstances, I fully agree with you, but the Ukraine apartments in which almost all of these comments are moved to the separate post have gone through absolute hell, so why should they be subjected to such crass and stupid comments just to satisfy someone’s opinion?

You very well know why this is taking so long at the moment to work, so I am not going to spell it out for you. But either way, why should it take hours which has always done and for these Ukrainian appartments to be further go through extra stress reading such comments? The quicker they are removed the better.

Oh ok i do know he don’t like trump comments but the rest i don’t know but yes maybe better clarification might be better.

Sometimes it’s just the straw that breaks the camels back, I’m sure it’s not just this morning that caused @Bluewinner to raise this issue, this has been going on a little while with jabbeth pushing the boundaries of his power, there was a previous situation in the past where they had to be told not to keep editing peoples posts containing screenshots because they didn’t like how the poster has posted them

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Well, that’s your opinion, IMO his posts were not unrelated. we can’t have posts being moved around based on one or two members’ opinions. The rules & process has to be followed. and if what he is doing is against the rules, he needs to be banned by the Moderators ( VHTV or VHTV_CEO ). as far as I am aware, he has never been banned on this forum, so he has every right to express himself just like you do. I have no love for Amy3 but it’s about the principles. we can’t have a minority who dictates and imposes its views on other members.


It’s not just about the Ukrainian apartments, he has been moving posts from all the topics including the political topic.

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Some of the people who usually deal with this are Ukraine themselves so things aren’t operating at normal speed right now, which is totally understandable due to the current situation, so in the meantime, and I hate repeating myself, why should they be subjected to such crass insensitivity at a time when they are worried about their families lives and friends missing, along with utter uncertainty as to their actual future, you get the picture.

That’s your opinion and you are taking this far too personally and you are on a mission, of which there is no dissuading you it seems. Sadly I will have to leave you to your mission as I have much more important things to do today, things that actually are important.

One last thing, it’s funny how you haven’t said anything before until today after YOUR posts were moved. If you are such a bastion of people’s rights why haven’t you said anything before today after your posts were moved, as I said, it all seems personally motivated.

it’s the nature of the forum to have posters with various views, you are never going to agree with everyone no matter what the subject is, there has to be clear rules and processes that’s enf___ed by responsible people. offensiveness is a subjective matter, what you might think is offensive might sound logical to others. we can’t just move every post that we don’t like to a s__t-hole, it’s disrespectful to the people who take their time and participate in the forum, believe me, it’s not so much fun to have a forum with members who agree on everything.

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It’s facts not opinion, I can easily prove it. It’s not personal, it’s the matter of principle and well being of the community. on your last point, I have to say it was not the first time that he has moved my posts, and sometimes I myself have asked for them to be moved as they were off-topic. but recently there is no logic to what he is doing. he is just moving everything that he does not agree with to that topic. And I would not continue contributing to the forum as long as I know my posts can be moved based on Jabs’ personal views. It’s about self respect.


Hey there calm down a bit. They got moved because they were part of that nasty conversation about Bella. You did nothing wrong. It was started by the well known troll. I will move your back. Not a problem at all.

I am very calm Jab. I don’t care about those comments, they can stay where they are now. I am just raising this issue because you have been moving too many comments to that topic recently, and I can’t find a good justification for many of them. It’s understandable if you are moving a post to its appropriate place, or if you move a conversation where guys are trading personal insults, but I can’t understand why you would do that to negative comments, even if it’s from the trolls, if it’s nasty & offensive comment they need to be reported and if the moderators agree, they can deal with the offender, moving the nasty comments to the s__t-hole doesn’t solve the problem. the rules should apply to everyone regardless of their status.