Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!

Read the topic. Did that multiple times. Now he is beating a dead horse.

And talking about censorship and dictatorship. This is beyond stupid. Thanks for your support by the way :+1:

You’r repeating that it was a nasty conversation but no one flagged any of the comments, could it be just your opinion ? think about it. I don’t want you to do anything, I have asked VHTV for clarification. I know where you stand, and I appreciate you acknowledging your mistake.

Sorry guys, was away but now getting back to work on forum.

So, what’s up? We’re banning Jabs, right?

Okay so I want to hear the people saying that comment is not nasty:

Hi, Just asking if it’s right for Jab to move members’ comments to the bin as it’s been happening a lot lately.

It’s all about Revenge Of The Sith Power GIF by Star Wars

Hey I basically described what I did here:
I also told Kaya that I will help to keep forums a nice place in these situations.

I misjudged that Bluewinner felt disrespected moving the conversation of the troll and his comments were part of it

I confronted him, and he admitted that he was wrong. can’t we just simply discuss things as we are supposed to on a forum instead of moving what we don’t agree with to the s__t-hole ? I have seen comments that are a lot nastier than this and they were not moved at all.

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Wrong about what? This comment would be nasty against any participant. And being the troll he is I do not believe anything he says.

This is where I am right now as I post this and you are moaning about a few poxy posts being moved, for the love of god get real. Pathetic to the extreme…!!!

What i see here is two different opinions Bluewinner has his opinion and jabbath has his this discussion is going back and forth. I think the flag system is what is needed. Whether the posts are disrespectful or not.

THanks for your support. Take care there and you are a real angel what you do for this people :heart_eyes:

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Well, that’s what you believe, and that’s fine, I am not arguing with that, I am just asking if you have any right to move members’ comments to the s__t-hole whether you agree or disagree with the contents. what happens to the rules and processes that we already have ? it’s about the principle.

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I fully agree with you it’s insane now just c___dren squabbling while you are in that hell.

@VHTV_James I think the easy solution here is to make Jabs a mod and be done with it and quit the whining babies in this thread <3

@jabbath1987 for presi- I mean mod!

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Good for you. this has nothing to do with your kind activities. don’t mix things up please.

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The sad thing about your post is that the message went right over your fixated head. I will let you carry on with your fixation.

Well for me all has been said here I guess…

I am sorry my friend. but I don’t know you, you might be a saint or someone who pretends to be doing good, anyway whoever you are and whatever you do has nothing to do with this topic. I just find it hard to believe someone who is in the middle of crisis and is trying to help the poor refugees has so much time to spend in a porn forum, you have been commenting here non stop since this morning while you claim you are on borders helping. please forgive me if I can’t buy your stories.

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Thats a sad photo, although you must have a decent camera - hope everything you’re doing helps.