Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!

You could have done that topic or contacted me about it more than two weeks ago. Now you do it when your posts were affected. Hypocrisy…

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you have been moving comments from every topic including the political thread which by nature is controversial. and why do you think you have the right to decide which post is appropriate or not? who has given you that responsibility ? has VHTV or the CEO asked you to monitor the comments and move them or you are just doing it just because you can. ?

No, I don’t agree with that. A troll is easily spotted by their aggressive nature, whether it’s subtle or straightforward verbal a___e. A___e is a___e, no hiding from it.

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And you would have the same response two weeks ago. and yes I am not happy that you decided to move my posts to s__t-hole when there was nothing wrong with them, I feel deeply offended and disrespected. That’s why I am suspending my forum activities, except for this topic and the archive requests, until I know this issues is resolved. I have that much self respect to not stay silent when I am being insulted.

you have to separate things, today, if you say something you are taxed as a pro or a troll and in both directions. vhtv is in both corners, let’s help without taking sides. Everyone has their own opinion but here it’s peace, mutual aid, sex, voyeurism too.

Right. And I won’t apologize for that. I apologized about moving yours. You could have made that topic a long time ago or simply contact me in pm. But no only when your posts are effected you suddenly feel that way. At least have the guts and admit it.

Seriously I try to help many people since this war started. Unfortunately I can’t do as much as @anon31605929 does everyday. So all I can do is to help VHTV staff who unfortunately now in a total different state of their life and can’t help us here. I help Ukrainian participants with making posts about donations. I move nasty comments directed to them and Russian propaganda comments as well as troll comments. And now you come and complain about some of your comments moved? Come on. Seriously? This is beyond ridiculous.


I am not taking side with trolls my friend, I despise them as much as you do. I just don’t think this is the right way to handle this problem.

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Well you could have simpy written me a pm and we could solve it. Happy to see you back again sometime.

And you know me that I never disrespected you or your posts.

I don’'t think what you are doing with moving comments to s__t-hole is helping anyone. I don’t want to make this personal. The only thing that I am asking is if VHTV has put you in charge of the censorship on this forum or not. I guess if they wanted you to have that role they would have made you a moderator so you could ban people instead of moving their posts. I believe you are just abusing your abilities on the forum to censor people who you do not agree with.

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Utter bulls__t and you know it. In that case I had to move thousands of comments I do not agree to. It is pitiful talking about censorship here.

I can honestly say I do not think that Jab has been abusing his power nor inflicting his views upon others and enf_____g it with comments being moved/deleted.

To think that with everything going in the world right now, people are crying on a damn forum over something so ridiculously petty. Y’all need to get a fucking grip.

Well, I am sorry. you may not realise it, but that’s what you are effectively doing here.

What you are doing here is just taking it personal I moved your posts. That is all

Everything that’s happening right now is because some people can’t accept others rights for freedom of choice and speech, that people have the right to think and chose differently. It might seem unimportant, but you have to stop the wrong doing when you see it. we have no power to change the world but we can at least try to make this forum a tolerant and democratic place as much as possible. we don’t need little dictators here.

This is just stupid. Freedom of speech and dictatorship? Democracy? Are you even listening to yourself?

See how many people complained about it the last little more than two weeks? You and the troll…

Seems majority does not have a problem with it. (Talking about democracy) Seems you are in the minority with your opinion.

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Actually what we are learning right now is that when people make choices, bad choices, they get punished. They get shunned by the rest of the world. Actions have consequences and making s__tty comments results in the consequence of being moved.

Yes, And I like to know why you were given that right to do that when my posts didn’t break any rule. I am trying to find the justification for it.

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No, there is no rule that allows anyone to move comments, that’s why I am asking VHTV to make a clarification. the nasty comments can be flagged and removed, and the offender can be banned by moderators. Jab has no right to do any of that.

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Still about your posts?

Again: They were part of a whole nasty conversation started by the troll. That is why they got moved. A single simple pm to me would have been enough and your posts would have been back. Besides that I apologized multiple times for moving them.

What do you want now? Isn’t it enough at some point?

Well now we’re at the crux of the whole matter – your grievance – I’m sure Jabb already apologised for making a mistake (if it even were I do not know - it could have be genuine and he’s just trying to appease you.)