Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!

You are indeed right. I moved more recently as I wanted to protect the Ukrainian apartments for any bad speech. It only got a lot when the troll decided to come back and decided to spew his hatred all over the forums again. The vast majority here did not have any problems with that. I will never move any ironical or cynical comments as I ususally know there are just jokes. The troll however is not joking. He is just posting and ranting and saying the same things for ages now; first on CamCaps and now here.

I am not a moderator and I would indeed be happy when there was somebody else taking care of the troll and the bad comments against the Ukrainian places. Until then I will keep doing it.

VHTV can ban him if what he is doing is wrong. you know I have no love for him, I just don’t think moving his post to the s__t-hole is the right thing to do.

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And I think polluting the topic with his s__t is the right thing to do…

He can go to CEO and cry or as always come back with a different name

I don’t think that he needs you for that :wink:

You know all this is funny because we are giving the troll just what he wants by fighting with each other while he/she sits back and has a good laugh about what is happening.

Well, it’s a subjective matter, as what is polluting or not . what you are doing is based on your opinion not the forum rules, I happen to agree with you about him, but I don’t think it’s up to me or you to censor other members, no matter how much we disagree with what he has to say. that’s exactly why we have the flagging system so the nasty posts can be flagged and hidden until it’s removed by the forum mods. if VHTV doesn’t want to ban him who are we to restrict his ( or anyone else’s) freedom of speech. we don’t want to have one or two members imposing their views on everyone as they see fit (dictatorship), wether it’s Amy3 or you. you still have the ignore function if you personally can’t tolerate someones’ comment.

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Right. But I am out of this discussion now. The troll will take over it soon.

It’s not about him. I personally believe that he should be banned from participating in the forum, but that’s just my opinion, obviously VHTV doesn’t agree with me. it’s about the principle, if you look at that s__t-hole topic it’s not just his posts that have been moved there, there are many others who have nothing to do with him. I am just saying Jab is going out of his way to punish people when it’s not his right or responsibility to do so.

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Sorry using words like that nowadays for describing some posts of a troll being moved is just inappropriate. :-1:

[quote=“Bluewinner, post:27, topic:15527”] why we have the flagging system [/quote]A few months ago i was in the same position and was getting angry i even pm VHTV they said the best way is to use the flagging system and then deal with it because they said that the comments i thought were offensive they said to me that they didn’t see any reason for them to be deleted or moved. They did stress that that’s what the flagging system is for.

There’s many trolls on here. A lot of them should be banned from participating in the forums. Most of us just want to enjoy the atmosphere of each appartment, but when you have constant negative nellies comments disrupting the forums, that tends to drive away new commentators and in most places, the tenants themselves who were once actively participating. We need a balance and so far, they have gotten away with way too much already and think they have a right to bad mouth anyone and anything without consequences.

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giving a different opinion is not trolling. where is the limit of freedom of expression, which is defined by the rules of the administrators of the site and that the moderators enf___e.

Yes, that’s exactly the point that I am making here, everyone has his own interpretation of what’s offensive or not, you might find a comment inappropriate while others may not agree. that’s why there is flagging & reporting system, and it gets hidden when enough members flag it. we can’t just move posts to s__t hole based on one members’ personal view, the rules need to be followed or there will be no order.

Blue, what is freedom of speech?!? To say anything you want without repercussions?!? That leads to tyranny. Jab has removed a few things, not as much as I would like and too much with some other things. It’s mostly subjective anyway. Wouldn’t he be right to remove my comments if I ranted to others I disagree with by saying ‘k__l yourselves’ or saying that to the participants?!?

Sorry but this topic is pure hypocrisy. I move demeaning posts from trolls directed to Ukrainian apartments and participants since the war started. You never said anything against it. Now when I accidently moved some of yours you make a big public topic accusing me in front of everybody instead writing me a simply pm and this would have been solved in no time.

Thanks for nothing. :-1:

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I’m not talking about differences, I’m referring to attacks

Totally right. Look at all the discussions about Indira & Kostja. So many differences there. And how many posts there got moved? People accusing me of censorship is just ridiculous. Sorry I now start defending myself here. It is inappropriate what some people here tell what I do. When people used common sense when making post in the Ukrainian apartments and trolls would be banned here consequently I could lean back, relax and do nothing. Unfortunately reality is a different thing here…

the topic on Ukraine is too sensitive, let’s help people without doing politics.

Yes, but who’d determine who is the troll or not, we can all call each other trolls when we disagree about something. If someone is indeed trolling and disturbing the forum, it’s VHTV’s responsibility to deal with it not the forum members as it’s easy to make that accusation just about anyone here lol The reason that I am raising this issue is because a lot of posts that have ended up in that topic have nothing to do with trolling or being off topic or offensive, they are just there because Jab didn’t agree with their content.