Lags and latest site problems

So, in case you have specific problems with videos at VHTV Forum not playing for you, please give us some links to posts where you find videos not working for you.

This should not relate to absence of video image preview. Black box with play button is normal behavior since recent updates.

Their justification may have been well founded if some vids were trying to download the whole file before showing the preview.
Now i am aware of that i am quite comfortable with it as now it seems to work fine.
Maybe that was the whole problem all the time where we were having problems viewing them. But will keep my eye open :+1:
Thanks again and not enjoy too many videos :joy:

That was a quick change of mind pal :joy:

Same problem trying to access the general chat this is ongoing problem for months now

I assume that is a Telegraph problem from the image format?
Don’t use Telegraph as not that keen on their format and any news on there seems to be quickly outdated.

No mate it’s the chat function general discussion

I cannot replicate this issue. Again, I suggest looking into the browser’s console via F12 (or you can always open up the same developer pane via any browser’s menu at desktop) to see what specific problem you encounter.

As quick attempt, you can always try to log-out and log back again with your VHTV account at VHTV Forum in case your browser got some of information stored incorrectly for our or any other resource in the web.

This thread will close automatically soon as it got not relevant to recent issues with VHTV. Please open up corresponding threads for VHTV or VHTV Forum for any other future problems everyone may encounter.

Same error here for a long time but don’t think much is being lost

Don’t like the Personal Chat function as you seem to be confined to a very small window.
Prefer to use the standard message function.

This non preview change may have solved the problem pal.

In that case, you probably haven’t had any problems playing videos for a few weeks…

Well i don’t follow that many apartments so am unable to comment on that.

OK, then the problem would be solved for now. Until next time… :sweat_smile:

Always think positive pal, onwards and upwards eh :+1: :joy:

Yeah I just noticed every time I log in lol doesn’t bother me just curious if it was just me :rofl:

Me either mate just noticed it every time I log in thought it was just me

I noticed also lately that sometimes when i upload an image on the forum it would give an error and i would have to try again. Doesn’t happen all the time but only started giving the error recently.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Streaming issues reports (Nov '23)