
It looks he had surgery at Frankenstein Hospital :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :thinking: :neutral_face:

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The guest guy is skinny but so beefy :heart_eyes: :+1:


Itā€™s a bludgeon more than a mutton dagger or pork sword. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:+1: :grinning:

Itā€™s huge, thatā€™s for sure! :open_mouth: :drooling_face:

Got a little bit of - something on your chin there, David ā€¦ :smirk:

I once naively went up to a guy in a club, the UV lights were making something on his face glow white, I said;

Youā€™ve got a bit of toothpaste in your beard still.

He looked sheepish, and mumbled;

Itā€™s not toothpasteā€¦


Hmm, I wonder what it could have been! :thinking:

*Pretends to be innocent and not have a clue * :laughing:

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Off-Line? Hope everything is Okay :worried:

I think Jules needs a break from VH. He has been at it a long time. A change is as good as a rest.

The Gecko pulled the plug in protest at being hidden from view constantly.

Since the stupid webcamming started I couldnā€™t care less about that placeā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

There seemed to be an issue with Nevaeh, I think it was better for to be offline for privacy for her. I donā€™t know exactly what was happening with her.

@Jules, what are your plans, are you going to have this camming full time, do you have any lady friends coming to visit. Asking as this place is second to bottom from my viewing list. I know you have your fans but I am sure you are losing those at a rapid rate.

Donā€™t know didnā€™t check on that place for weeksā€¦

@Jules Is there any chance you can stop this constant webcamming ā€¦ you used to be one of my favorite apartments, lots of interesting visitors for massage and maybe sex, Now I donā€™t even visit you

want to be healthy, eat alone and in the dark

Everyone wants to be a director here for some reason. Rather then this forum be about what is happening, too often it just gives a means for would be directors to try and influence things.

Please tell us again for the millionth time again how much you donā€™t like tenants who web cam. Hard to find anything you do like thatā€™s for sure. From reading your comments it seems pretty clear that you donā€™t much like much of anything except for yourself and your power base. You post stupid attempts to make jokes and then laugh at the end like a little kid over and over again. I dare you to find something sexy to talk about.

You seem to have a problem with anyone whose opinion differs from yours. Guess when you are a freeloader youā€™re happy to see anything ā€¦ which in the case of this apartment is not much