
Hello Bertha is a class of her own, very popular here. What kind of program is she studying? May wish her great luck with her studies.

how to get your cam4 address? :heart_eyes:

What is wrong with it?

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Neveah left the throws in a mess. tsk.

Ruddy webcammers have returned … Jules goes back onto my ignore list

That guy looks like a $20 blowjob at the train station bathroom…

Ok no need for you to tell us about your personal experiences. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Damn, and there was me only charging 10. Fuuuuck. :grimacing:

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Guess @Julio137347 will be wanting to know witch station you operate from :rofl:

All of them now. jeez, I got some catchin’ up to do. :angry:

Sorry if this has been answered all ready but does anybody know why Naevah shaved her head? It’s growing back but damm when she had hair she was so much more attractive.

By the amount of scratching she does I guess she has some skin complaint

I wish we could see Marshmallow/Shrimp better. Like, if he/she was raised up on a small table and not hidden behind the arm of the couch. It’s nice seeing pets, even if they are small. Sometimes when there’s nothing going on and everyone is sleeping, pets are living their own VHTV life. And marshmallow is a VHTV veteran now. Can’t see anything of him/her because of the table and the floor lamp. Any chance we could get a better view of Marshmallow @Jules ? Maybe when Neveah and Luis move on? :slightly_smiling_face:

It looks like Neavh was checking out the competition whilst she was camming :rofl:

I have yet to see her cam wearing another top.

She seems quite shy than some of her competitors or she could just be holding out for more tips :grin:

Shy ? Mouarf ! Shy but doing chaturbate things like a pro ! :rofl:

I didn’t know cameras wear anything let alone a top. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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what site is Luis caming on an whats his @

No idea about the site, but it isn’t Jules