
Jules has definitely got his mojo back. Keep up the good work they are coming back for more

Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark. :rofl:

Jules is watching Bond James Bond the man with the golden gun.

Good man (Jules)!! …Good film!!

is Jules going after girls with big tits now 2 in 1 day ,but the dark haired girl got great tits lovely dark nipples

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Do you have bad heat in the apartment.

trying to watch the entire Bond filmography before the new film comes out

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Then you have only 16 movies to go. good luck. :+1: If you are watching them in order.

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26 posts were split to a new topic: James Bond

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I don’t mind what colour or sex the person is because if done right it can be just as good if not better.

Nope sorry would destroy the whole concept.

I don’t care who plays the bond either, but it will be a NEW FRANCHISE and should be called differently, because bond and 007 are the basis of the piece.

Looks like new roommate for Jules moving in. Good choice. Maybe other friend can come to visit for threesom.

the girl is going to get bored with that useless …

Thanks for helping me Jules.

He prefers to stand around and let others do it :grin:

Damn, that happened fast, she only stayed over once right? Guess Jules didn’t like constantly having to arrange girls coming over so he just got one to move in. Is it time for her to get a name? @Jules

I also feel like that might mean we’ve seen the last of Bertha? She’s not come to visit for a while, and visiting would be very different now there’s a different girl living there as well.

I am stil waiting for Funny to come


so am i he lied to us all and has promised funny to come back at least 3 times