Jessi & Mars

Thanks for some fine moments, all the luck to you @Bella_Leo !!

Iā€™m hoping that jessi and Mars ar seeing these comments and see that they will be missed and some day we could see there baby

I doubt that they would do that or even that VH would allow that, itā€™s a baby come on

Well one photo would be nice. but i would understand that will not happen.

We just want to know that they are ok and well.

They can send it on private messages they donā€™t really have to post it here

To those who would really wanna see there baby

Thatā€™s never going to happen. Never. And I guarantee Kaya will pop up and tell you exactly the same. Never. Not being smart, but no, no kids. Itā€™s like a huge no-go area.

:blush: pops up

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Hey there :wink: :kissing_heart:

Their c___d is very welcome to share his(her? sorry I donā€™t remember) own photos with us when reaches 18 y.o. and able to give consent :+1:

P.S. oh, itā€™s a girl, I found it

O well maybe some day we will see it on some social media of thereā€™s but for right now good luck and I hope there baby comes out healthy and well

Would be nice to get some info if baby and mum are well after birth :wink:

Good luck with everything, wishing nothing but good for you and your baby. :kissing_heart:

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O ok thanks for the info

Thats great to hear. A girl yeh. :heart: :heart:

Another baby jessi thats good

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I know I keep saying these but I really wished they had a Twitter or what ever they use to keep in touch with all the people that enjoyed watching

Normally everybody that have that type of twitter, disable it or stop using after leaving the project

O ok I didnā€™t know that but I donā€™t think they ever had a Twitter or any other social media account