Jessi & Mars

YesJessie did say many weeks ago that it was a girl.:+1:

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Leave them alone. Respect their privacy away from VHTV. They did a great service to us who really appreciated their brief stay here. When you want more than what you get to see visually on these voyeur cam sites then you are a fucking real life pervert, pathetic and totally disgusting. Wanting to see pics of them with their newborn means that you crossed the voyeur line. So fucking sad to read how members get so attached to willing tenants. Show some respect and decency and mind your own business FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! I wish them well and happiness and family love. I thank them wholeheartedly. It is their life and let them make their own decisions to do whatever and whenever they choose to do so.

Yes sir,sorry sir, i trust we haven’t offended you too much. :rofl:

Looks like someone got there undies on a tight knot poor dude

Not sure what’s up with him everyone here just wishing them well and care about them. Talk about a mood k__ler reading nice messages and then this really uncalled for.

I’m saying that’s why I said he had his undies on a tight knot

Yes i know.

He probably knows we talking s__t about him that’s why he won’t say anything back

Or his translater is broken just on this forum. :rofl: :rofl:

Aww poor dude he can find one on the app store

These dude should of never joined vhtv he was going to be like that just saying

Hey don’t get your panties in a twist. relax. have a beer and relax. :yum:

Don’t worry I only _____ tequila and I’m relaxed

Weird but I agree with Tyrel7297, maybe he could have said it slightly more diplomatically (but then who am I to say). There has never been any sort of emotional bond between participants and viewers. Sure some decent messages interaction but that is all. If anyone thought there was any sort of bond why did the participants leave without any goodbye. It is obvious that this part of their life is now over and it is something they did for money, fun or experience but nevertheless it is now over. Were some of the viewers thinking a poll was going to be drawn up to see who gets to be godparents, start getting regular update on their private life, get Christmas cards? This is VHTV, we are viewers and there are participants, no real connection. We should worry more if a new apartment is going to be set up to replace this one. Just my 2 cents worth.

Have you thought that the sudden departure may have been caused by an early delivery. All three of our c___dren arrived five weeks before the expected date. I wish Jessi and Mars all the best in the challenges of parenthood.

Whatever the cause for their departure is not relevant, they do not have to tell us and they did not tell us. They simply have moved on from this part of their life. And yes I also wish them the best although I realise that I am not their friend.

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Can I throw up now. :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_v___ting:

Whatever blows your hair back.

Thanks bud.

I can honestly say that I have never heard that expression before. It made me laugh!