Is the Leaderboard ranking system flawed?

you are already the king of vhtv what more do you want…

For me I Don’t care about likes my likes can stay to 0 or they can erase the numbers and start all over again… I came here to pass my time not to have disagreements with nobody

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Eros why don’t you grow a pair and say you wanted to be a leader of the forum…most of us understood that you always put fire likes and other emoticons always positive…even if one person wrote I’ll kill you all you put the 100% emoticon this makes us understand that you put the likes without reading the posts…

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I’m not going to answer any more to your fantasies and your lies you can believe on what you want, what you say is absurd I believe I’m a right Person with mistakes just everyone else.
P.S. If you have proof for what you write, put it here publicly, otherwise it’s definitely defamation and I’m not going to have an argument with you because it’s exactly what you expect.It will never be happen by me for you or anyone else ever … !! Have a good night !!

the fact that so many users think as I do is enough for me… that’s all I need…


@Eros grow a pair and actually say what you think…(I can’t believe that every post by any user you always agree with.)…

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it would be nice if it were a lie… but it isn’t.
when you clicked through the achievement of giving out the maximum number of likes for 5 days in a row (the old limit was 1000?) and to the top of the leaderboard, you liked EVERYTHING you could get your hands on. we were “amused” by you here every time your like came just seconds after someone uploaded a video that lasted several minutes. Sometimes it felt like it was before the “send” button could be pressed…
but alongside jokes, photos, videos and sensible comments, there were also serious insults and more…

but it’s clear to me why you think that’s a lie: often enough you weren’t even able to read and understand the comment completely before the like had already been set…so of course you don’t know what you “liked”.
(Un)fortunately, nobody made the effort to collect screenshots of it. But I know from my own experience that several posts were reported as ‘inappropriate’ by the community shortly after your like and were hidden or deleted.


I meant what time does it start for each 24-hour period.

Does it actually say, “that’s it for today”? I’ve never seen that. But then, I’ve only hit the limit once. Got my nice little, No More Love badge, though.

I took the liberty of shortening and summarized it. The full text is:

Wow! You’ve shared a lot of love! You’ve reached the maximum number of likes in 24 hours, but the higher your trust level, the more likes you’ll have available each day. You’ll be able to like posts again in 6 hours.

(the number of hours is of course a variable)

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I definitely never saw that. Is it a popup message that goes away after a certain time?

This part makes me think it’s a fixed 24-hour period that starts at a certain time. But, I could see it going either way.

It doesn’t matter if it’s fixed 24 hour or a rolling 24 hour, everyone knows what the limit is and you can’t do more then that


yes. the popup appears as soon as you want to set a like but have exceeded the limit

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i totally understand all you guys comments about the leaderboard being corrupted and certain people spamming it , but that really shouldnt be issue to 99% of us , the simple solution would be to click on the LIKE FARMERS name twice then go to the box that says Normal underneath the Messages and Chat boxes click it then click 2nd option (Muted) that will stop the constant notifications from these farmers… granted it wont stop the emojis appearing but will stop the notifications

Why don’t you all just use this option? :thinking:
Знімок екрана 2024-09-14 о 10.41.03


I think have done a great job transforming the leaderboard. I was pretty indifferent to it, but after your improvements I now find it enjoyable & fun! :star_struck: :trophy::heart_hands:

If they did that, then they would no longer have anything to complain about. :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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excuse me for being old and stupid but where the fuk is that option hid away ??

kaya removed that feature from your account. She would prefer you suffer.


anybody else i would of said no way , but kaya mmmmh its possible :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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Preferences - Notifications - first item there

But I have already enabled it for you :+1: