Henry (Part 2)

OK…replace “work” (obv didn’t see the “”) with “Mira goes out in the evenings to help other realms earn money leaving the apartment free for Henry and guests.”

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I see Maren has remained loyal then, not seen her for a while now.
Always nice to see Maren.


Yes, she is a part of the old gang after all is she not? Or how is it? You know this a little bit better than me, Rob. You have been around a wee bit longer than me. :slight_smile:

Yeah Maren was part of the old gang, even had her own apartment once but then her and her old partner Karel split up and the apartment then went.
Karel then joined up with Alisha for a while but we ain’t seen them, especially Alisha for a while now.

Good summary :+1:

Yes, very good. Rob is a very experienced man after all. :hugs: :slight_smile: :heart:


Always liked Maren she always was rather classy with nice clothes to match.
If you can call getting fucked classy :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Where is the party tonight ? Probably off camera some where or maybe at Wendy’s (Off Line - ISP Issues) Viewers become very sanicle.

Surprise, surprise :heart_eyes:

Looks like Henry has brought home someone to play with

If Mira stays, a 4 some is possible, the pink hair and many tattoos made our guests identify obvious

Trisha’s walk has definitely improved!

I find it rather funny really, walks straight in and trousers off :laughing:

Strangely Henry is still dressed

Dunno what the attraction is of keep going out in the loggia?
Both Mira & Henry dressed so could be a counselling session having arrived at nearly 4am :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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As I recall she house sat alot with the human hobo Kano, I don’t think Henry has fucked her

To be honest she ain’t my cup of tea but hey ho Henry ain’t normally that fussy.
Maybe Mira and Henry have decided best behaviour tonight or is it early morning :laughing:

Normally I go to a friend’s house after midnight to get laid

But I don’t pull a Henry and take it all off as soon as I see her

Well Trisha did, maybe she was expecting a quick going over and then leave :laughing: