Henry (Part 2)

Oh good, the dark haired guy who did bi last time is back. Does he have a name yet? If not can I suggest Mustang?

deffinately not related but fellow englishmen understand what humour is , unlike the frogs and the wops who think humour is to demean someone :joy:


I still haven’t figured out if you are bulls__tting me.also because you have to understand that I use deepl to translate if maybe you avoid writing abbreviations like wop maybe I can understand better…

wop is a kind way of expressing the british love towards italians and southern europeans dont take it to heart im being sincere …HONEST!

BETTER get back to topic i can hear old jabba sneaking down the corridor in his slippers

a kind way…not to say you hate us instead I got it right…

Might be my long lost brother for all i know :laughing:
But all my skeletons escaped long long ago :laughing:

hate .NO WAY ! your such wonderfull people , admin told me to say this

all this fuss just because i jokingly said that robwin and lazurus are related…

just yanking ya chain pal . dont feel aggreived , im not known for my diplomacy lol

but hope this heals the rift

I noticed…maybe it’s better to have you as a friend than as an enemy… :wink:


so back to topic ,are we in for a hot night at henrys or is the only hole to get filled tonight is henrys butthole with the big black thunder stick


Wonder which one of the young studs will finally nail Mira? If at all???
She would probably welcome a nice bit of young cock inside her :laughing:

she doesnt seem to mind cocks that have have been dipped in chocolate so my guess is the batty boy with the dark hair will get in there 1st


No doubt he will fuck Gerda with Mira at ringside waiting to explode again :laughing:

oh shes been warned for sure , she will prob wait till there outside the appartment and kick the granny outta him

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the 2 guys saw the broken door and the broken pics and thought fuk this for a game of soldiers and legged it

Very unfriendly not to see them out and say goodbye, maybe they gone to get Henry some more beer or food or something :laughing: or maybe ran out of condoms :laughing:

Fuck me only been gone 15 mins and it all happens :laughing: