Henry (Part 2)

No phone smashing on hand then tonight all kissee kissee now :laughing:
Still it is early yet :roll_eyes:

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they sure had us fooled with those shinangans last week the acting was brilliant , so tonight is the sequel where everythings turns on its head and becomes freelove hey

Obviously have rewritten the script as last weeks didn’t go down so well :laughing:
Henry’s even had a haircut so he’s streamlined now :laughing:

they was fishing for views and used a untested bait ,and caught a shark . now they have decided on using tried and tested bait hoping to catch a salmon

it makes is ears stick out all the more perhaps they are miras next point of attack

Didn’t H&M become Henry’s for like 5 days last year

Hope it ain’t swimming up river :laughing:

Dunno can’t think back that far :laughing:
Don’t think it ever has?

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MIRA AND HENRY joined the project on 12th october 2017 and have always been mira &henry appartment up untill the latest change when miras name was removed ,

Obviously a change in presentation tonight as well, maybe the docs told him to slow down and stay dressed for longer and not get over excited :laughing:

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dont you mean sexcited

So Gerda is ultimately back. What did I say? It was bound to happen within some time. :hugs:

I missed Gerdas return by maybe a day or two. Not surprising. :hugs:

Mira leaves…Gerda and Henry fuck all night!

Must be the only one he can get hold of now.
One of the last survivors of the old gang, Maren, seems to have gone to ground recently too which if so, has completed the total desertion of the old gang. Funny how times and attitudes change eh.

Yes. You are absolutely right in the points you are stating. It seems more difficult to hold onto some of the old gang. Absolutely. :slight_smile:

the novelty of the cameras always wears thin unless your desperate for attention , or are just collecting free rent (marla) i think the maximum time on VHTV should be 3 years and thats pushing it ,why do you think VHTV open so many new realms because its new b___d that draws in the crowds and the old gaurd are kept on as a failsafe

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Well looks as though another slapper has just arrived to earn her brown envelope and join in the shenanigans.
God knows the state of the marriage now suppose only time will tell now as Mira has left the apartment now… :roll_eyes:

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nice to see just two people having fun with each other to take the piss out of henry… :thinking: :thinking:

Maybe a slightly new definition of an open marriage probably? Or what can I say? :slight_smile: