Henry (Part 2)

Ah thanks. Will remember for next time. :heart:

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if there was some members would have seen it and mentioned it

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Rather a flippant remark Mr Jabs and says nothing but implant thoughts in others.
In other words just stirring the s__t :laughing:

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You never answered my question young man?

Sexy Gerda…hopefully we will have a repeat.

billy bulls__tter lol you are most deffinatly pullin our puds with this comment , oh i get it you said this to cause friction from the mere mortals that have to rely on live screening to catch up , so i say this if no proof is forthcomming then it never happened . but nice try oh mighty one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh he is an expert s__t stirrer and then says nothing else :laughing: :laughing:
Then you wonder why so many members get pissed off.

Henry and Gerda 17


Ahhh so it wasn’t offline at that moment then, thanks Travon at least someone is helpful :+1:

yep for one day only then the =

and the same girl henry fucked in the bathroom while talking to mira?

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Thanks Torey :+1:

IMO there is only one other girl who is this much into Henry and that is Mira!!

mira as clipped henrys balls hes only allowed to have sex liasions with one other girl ,

miras tag team just arrived , menage e trois on the menu for her she hopes and shes wearing the trusty C.F.M shorts i see

Well it’s the only one he’s managed to find who’s willing it seems :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
No sparks flying yet but give it time :laughing:


are we sure @robwin and @Lazurus_aka_Virgil are not related… :joy: :joy: