Henry (Part 2)

exactly! thats why when people say he /she said this, i think are they gifted or gormless :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Even when you hear the odd english being spoken, what with any background noise and poor transmission etc i even struggle understanding it. :roll_eyes:

I just use the Translation Button if I myself think it is necessary on my own behalf. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Did mrs “Hahnrey” back to his husband?

I think the best way is to delay the broadcast by 1-2 minutes and make subtitles, if not for everything, but what they discuss… about what topic…to become extra Premium Subscriber 2 and pay a little more for those who want to have Subtitles


Yeah works as well as any other. :+1:

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So Mira is back to performing his masters ass servicing then :laughing:
Makes you wonder who is under whose thumb eh :laughing:

By his facial expression , she used the XL butt plug…and her expression after seems like she may have thought so too.

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Judging by some of her expressions it’s more duty i think :laughing:

Things seem to get more fucked up by the day

Yet your still here :+1:

Is that snoopy being back??

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The one thing you can be certain of when Trisha is back in the house is that she for sure talks loudly. :slight_smile: When she talks. Is she still eating as much as before? :slight_smile:

keeps comming back hoping to see the chunky bettyboop look at the pic and draw your own conclusions on who that may be , but your probably wise enough without the pic

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: you are correct I no exactly who you mean

She is currently visiting inga

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obviously inga just had the monthly shopping delivered

Yes, I have noticed that, my friend. But thank you for telling me. :slight_smile: