Henry (Part 2)

I’m not sure that Indira is still with anyone - she kept popping up in Muriel’s place and having a shag with someone or other.

they make a cute couple, we could call them kneel and bob lmao

If you’re sure it was her, then yes it’s possible

Oops… sorry. It was Jirina, not Indira. I got confused over the names :woozy_face:

Jirina and Indira both have black hair, but that’s where the similarities end lol

Can’t say that I can picture Indira, but you’re probably right :rofl:

I guess electricity is cheap, to keep all the lights and tv on all the time, even if nobody is around

That’s not true. They also both fucked Henry & Tejo and have been in multiple gang bangs. How could you forget about those similarities?

begining to think the breakup as been put on hold .kinda thinking my comment a few day back might actually have some baring , where i said that they have got a private place .ie there own forever home and this realm is just work place , and 2 managers are not needed, eventually this realm could well go the same way as Nina & Kiras realm ,and could just end up being used for parties etc lets be honest you wouldnt want regular parties /meetings in a new forever home, as for henry i think hes staying there to keep realm going whilst mira sorts out the new place , its not as though she asnt got friends who can help her out , whilst king dong sits in his palace

Possibly a longer term exit strategy eh?

exactly they know the cashcow still generates income even when its not being fed properly

If there wasn’t a proper house, in the separation, Mira would have slept in Alida or Wendy apartm…

have you forgot such a thing as family ?

later in the week i believe kaya said 7 days yesterday

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Yes. That was yesterday or the day before. So it remains 5 days then. Assuming what Project Team says actually will be correct. With reservation about eventual changes. :hugs:

The one at M&M, started by Jirina & Tejo, and had Henry telling the youngsters, stop crying and join the fuck fest on the brown couch

im still not convinced anyone on this forum as actually been able to translate whats been said 99,9% of the time its just conjecture , the only time there as been translation as been when a participant as commented in the forum and then we translate it using tools provided , but alas ill say again ive never seen any form of verbal translation .

Even if you get a verbal translation from anybody you are relying on them reporting it in an unbiased way and not without their version of it.