Henry (Part 2)

You are only fucking jealous of my magnetic personality :laughing:

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Damm youā€™ve got me there :rofl:

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Love is all around us pal itā€™s just finding it is the problem :laughing:


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No worry pal, if you want a cuddle i am often here :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :laughing:

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Damn, you got me blushing now :laughing:

Best get back to the topic or jabbs will crucify us :rofl::rofl:

Geez get a room you two or open an apartment :joy::joy:

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Jabs never does that to me. Even when he flags me. Crucify me, that is. :laughing: :hugs:

Stay on his good side you wonā€™t like him when heā€™s angry :rofl::rofl:

I have seen this realm top 2 with nobody home all night sometimes, so maybe itā€™s all not a conspiracy, but viewership manipulation by the big cheese

WAY TO MUCH MANLOVE in the last hour :rofl: :rofl:

Send a ticket to support to investigate :wink:

i think you might find out its all the secret henry and mira followers that refuse to be counted , but more likely its down to viewers logging on to see if anything happening and in that appartment cam 7 as the best angle and is ussually the one regular viewers log onto 1st ,dont forget theres 100s if not 1000s of paying viewers that secretly follow henry and mira due to there longevety and past quest . this is not my ussuall type of comment im not one to comment on reality im ussually the one taking the piss, but hey always a first time to be sensible

And you think they would tell the truth? :laughing:
I could ask you but that would be a waste of b___dy time as well :laughing:

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Ohh come on pal the world isnā€™t ready for a level headed Lazuras yet, especially on here :laughing:

I get your reasoning but i think most would do like i do.
If you log on and no one is there you would naturally look around every other room and if nothing then it would twig that the apartment is empty and you would then fuck off.
Then again i canā€™t speak for all the other tossers out there :laughing:

I watched the Mikl Shana incident live. Mikl was sick and had been trying to reach Shana who was very _____ at the party by Jirina et al. She showed up somewhere around 4 am. Mikl had been pacing and was wound up. She came back and there were words. She decided to leave and Mikl made an arm motion as if to hit her but didnā€™t. Both of them had a startled look on their faces and it was very clear that the relationship was over. She wasnā€™t close enough for him to hit her. It was the potential that this is where the relationship was leading to that got misread as Mikl allegedly striking her. She herself said he didnā€™t hit her. Like I said earlier it was clear it was over and the wheels got in motion and he went and talked to Henry and stopped at a few other apartments on his way out. As was expected VHTV removed that sequence of the video. It comes down to he was sick and left and had to check in at hospital for a number of days with a high fever. Itā€™s possible he was delirious during the interaction with Shana. Luckily he only made a motion as if going to strike her while not moving towards her. I think they are both good people and did enjoy how well Mikl was a good Master of Ceremonies who knew how to get people naked and participating in group events. I hope Shana and Loki are getting as close as they look. When they show up at parties I think Shana dresses more conservatively and is more reserved than before. I also noticed that they leave early just like Loki was doing when he brought a date with him to parties. I wonder how they earn a living since they arenā€™t participating here and Loki didnā€™t seem like he needed to be anywhere on weekday mornings when he stayed with Shana.

The H&M group that makes lovers. We had Kostja and Indira fall in love. It looks like Loki and Shana are really into each other as well. At least everyone now knows Mikl isnā€™t some women beater because we didnā€™t have all the facts. Maybe one day heā€™ll show up again at Alidaā€™s or H&M.

Heā€™ll probably starve to death before thenā€¦ seems to be hitting the ā€˜Pot Noodlesā€™ a lot, probably 'cos he canā€™t cook. Mira makes an appearance, maybe they get it on, maybe they donā€™t, but the exression on her face tells a thousand stories, then Mira (and sometimes Henry too) disappear to god knows where, because they donā€™t appear in other apartments apart from Alidaā€™s occasionally.