Henry (Part 2)

You are the cigarette I hold and I think about lighting it… … you are a hate routine and I keep coming back to it…


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They are waiting in sittering excitement, my friend. Even if nobody is there. :hugs:

Either she moved out or she didn’t, she loves him, she hates him, she wants to fuck him. Are these 2 bibolar together

they belong together made for eachother

Until she starts chasing after him with a golf club Benny Hill style

he would probably enjoy it

Makes you really wonder if these previews are actually manipulated sometimes to suit a circumstance? :roll_eyes:

I remember one night while M&M, H&M, Kostja & Indira, Maren and others were out for off camera party, both M&M and H&M were top 5 previewed all night

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Kostja & Indira, don’t need to be mentioned in Henry and Mira’s apartment I no it’s an obsession with you but they have there own topic take it over there :+1:you will find any excuse to bring them up move on they left

The conspiracy king :rofl:

I would for sure do not mind seeing Marica, Indira and Shana back on the show again. That might be just me. :hugs: :heart:

You know, all three of them. Not necessarily together, but also each of them separately. If you know what I mean. :hugs:

Marica is bk she’s got her own realm


Yes, I know that. And that is a very good thing. :hugs:

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Yes I agree :heart:

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Well if you can come up with a better explanation as to why cam7 is continually in the previews when there is nobody home at all i am willing to listen pal. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
No doubt Henry’s no.1 fan Jabs could but then he’s biased :laughing:

I love you too, Rob. I love you too. But you know that already. :hugs: :heart:

Robs got a number 1 fan :rofl::rofl:

That was your words initially, But I will take it any day. No problem. :hugs: :laughing: