Henry (Part 2)

Maybe, maybe not staying that long :roll_eyes:

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From memory, the doggy bowls never were ‘removed’, they’ve been there all the time! :thinking:


H&M Realm After the Earthquake…!!

Really difficult for me to watch. Mira coming back and giving in to Henry. I felt so bad for her when she was doing the dance for him in the bedroom… later on when they are on the sofa watching tv, he grabs her hand to place it on his hand that was on her upper thigh in order to make her “agree” with his possession of her. While watching the tv program Henry was laughing is ass off while Mire did not even crack a smile… I feel so sad for her. Apparently Mira does not have any external support structure.

I don’t think Mira has a bad life in the Realm for 6 years, she’s smart, she’s beautiful, she’s smart enough not to be taken advantage of or to be financially comfortable, they often go Vacations most of all
Participants in the Realms, moved to a much better Realm.
OK, there of course will be bad moments, but I think above all, both of them will not miss this opportunity that VHTV offers

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On the other hand, I have never seen Mira squirting

I believe Mira have orgasms many times every woman squirting is something different
Personally, I don’t believe what we see in some other women is exaggerated and often fake. While for other women, even orgasms are difficult and the partner can contributes a lot to this, especially if he knows the technique and the right positions that every woman needs

I have seen Mira leave a large wet spot on the sheet so I would say that she does on occasion.

Who knows?Seems u know them in private …lol Finally i dont care abt relations on VHTV, it s just money!

It will be Good Idea now that the VHTV give them the opportunity to continued, To istaled a camera in the hiding extra Room so every one will be happy !!

Your break sure didn’t last long… :sweat_smile:

You can not tell me that this realm is not popular. Firstly I do not agree with violence. There are no excuses. However as soon as it appears that this realm will disappear there have been 583 posts in two days with very different views on what has happened and what should happen. It is up to the participants how they lead their lives. We are just viewers. I think that this has turned out to be a massive windfall for them. Just look at all the hits and comments. Is this now a PR campaign to regain ratings ???

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I think you and Ryan have the wrong person. I’m definitely not who you think I am. I have only one account and it’s my first time posting here. Please don’t pvt me, I’m not interested. I wanted to know a little about this forum but I see that it is not for me. Anyway, I repeat that you have made a blunder. I’m not the person you think I am.

I am actually surprised about not getting flagged. I used the a word twice. :wink:

So u used it on purpose to check :sweat_smile::joy:

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I used it to underline a very certain point. So it became a good check then. :joy: :sweat_smile:

LoL I didnt reply in pv and never do it.Don’t dream dear.
More , I really don t care abt pple here lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I see Mira’s dildos have re-appeared…does that mean she’s back for good?..I hope not!!

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I guess things improved rapidly then. :sweat_smile:

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unfortunately this kind of thing happens not just on vhtv but in real life too